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"I don't really want to go...I'm-I'm scared..." I softly told my mom. Everyone left and my dad just let Xavier in but he wasn't in the room yet. "Hey you're going to be just fine. You've got Xavier with you." She told me and wiped my face. "Is something wrong with me? I'm so soft now." I joked. "It's just you changing. Kinda like puberty in a way. You're lifestyle is changing. It happens to a lot of people that thought they would be something else. It's all natural and just know we are all here for you." My mother hugged me and gave me a kiss. Xavier greeted my mother and then me. He then all of a sudden picked me up and put me over his shoulder. "Hey it's just to the car I can use my crutches!" I said and he shrugged. "Have a great day Mrs. Isashi!" He said and waved. He turned around and then I saw my mom giggling. I huffed and pouted while crossing my arms. He walked to his car which was a black Range Rover. He carefully placed me in and closed the door then put my wheel chair in the back. I don't like this. He is not my alpha! I think I should be nice. Nice nice!
"Thank you for helping but I'm still not submitting to you" I said and I mentally cursed at myself. That was not nice! "That's fine with me for now." He said calmly and I looked over at him. "You're confident I'll eventually give in?" I said with a glare. He just smirked. Ugh what a complete jack-
As we pulled up to the school I started feeling anxious. "Hey calm down it's gonna be fine..." He said in a way that calmed me down. "What the hell did you just do?" I said to him as I snapped to look at him. "What do you mean?" He said and I glared at him. "You like knew I was anxious and you did something to fix it?!" I said to him and he chuckled. "Crooning. It's called crooning. You're body was sending off a distressed scent and I soothed it with my crooning. It's a lot better when a confirmed mate does it or a betas calming pheromones. Since you weren't actually freaking out mine was good enough." He explained in depth as I scanned my body like all this new stuff was visible. "Come on let's get inside before you're late" he said. I looked at my hands in my lap as he got out. Soon he opened my door and helped me into my chair. "This is so embarrassing..." I said and he shook his head. He wheeled me into the school and I just kept my head down as my hair hid me well. "Oh hey you guys! Thanks again Xavier." I heard someone approached and recognized Madison's scent. "Hey Maddie." I whispered and she kissed the top of my head. "Cheer up sissy." She added and left with have a good day. We pulled into class and I heard whispers and giggles. I balled my hands into fists and squeezed hard. Xavier asked for us to sit together so he can better help me and he was granted permission. He wheeled me to his table and sat down.
"Well duh I've totally got more planned but you have to wait silly. You don't break a person in one day. It takes time." I heard Suzzie in the back. I could hear that dark smile but now that it was directed at me I was actually terrified. I made sure to focus on keeping my smell to myself so Xavier doesn't try to help me.
Xavier dropped me at home quickly so he could make it to practice. "Come here Zea! I have something special to show you!" My mom said excitedly. I made my way to her and she was holding the handle to my closet. I felt protective of my closet but brushed that away. "Boom!" She said and opened the door. I looked in awe at the cute space she created for me. A blue fuzzy rug with little white pillows and my favorite teddy, Mr. King. There are fairy lights at the top and a little box of snacks with another filled with toys next to it. On the top shelf there was my medicine and some books and games. I made a strange sound from all my happiness and hugged my mom. "Did you just purr? That was the cutest thing I've ever heard. Well other than Dylan's first fart." She laughed and I joined in. "Here I also got this omega book for you. It should help with questions you have. In case you are too nervous to ask me." She handed me a book from the top shelf. "Thanks a lot mom. I really love it." I told her and she left the room. I jumped around and then into the closet. I closed the door and laid back. I opened the book and skimmed around. I sniffed around found a hoodie under a pillow. I sniffed it and melted. Oh my gosh...it smells like Xavier. I said and purred again. That is so weird. I fell back and after reading more I fell asleep.
Skip a few days~
"Mom!" I yelled from my closet. My mom and siblings came to my room. "Are you okay?" She asked and my siblings stopped at the door. "Woah that smells strong." Maddie whispered and the rest nodded covering their noses. "I think I'm in a real heat cycle" I whispered and held my knees together. "I'm so scared..." I said with a whimper. "It's okay honey." My mom said and rubbed my head. "I'm gonna go to the store for a refill." She said acknowledging I ran out of medicine. "Don't bother it's doesn't feel that much better." I said and winced in pain. I panted as I got extra hot. "I just wanted you to know mom. I'm gonna take a nap now." I laid back down. She closed my door and I laid there. A whole week of staying home....
I hugged my pillows and took a nap.

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