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"Where are you going?!" Xavier whined and the pack members turned to look at me as well. "Everyone knows! I can finally go shopping!" I squealed and caressed my belly. "Without me?" Xavier asked and I raised my eyebrow to express a 'duh' face. "Uh yes of course! You have been stuck to me all week." I glared and put my hands on my hips. It's true. When I eat or nap. When I'm nesting or reading. Even when I use the bathroom he sits at the door or something. I am leaving this house without Xavier if it's the last thing I do. "Don't leave...at least not without me!" He said and I blinked at him repetitively. I just shook my head no and grabbed my keys. Xavier stood up to approach me and I stopped him. "No!" I said and he looked confused. "Stay..." I said and he grumbled as he attempted to continue moving. "SIT!" I said and pointed at his seat. "SIT!" I said but louder. I can keep going at this. "DOWN BOY!" I yelled and he groaned then flopped down in his seat. "Awe who's a good boy!" I said and ran over to plant kisses on him. "I'll be right back." I said to everyone as I backed away to make sure Xavier stayed. Whew...I got in my car and headed for this local shop I found on the card Kayla gave me. "The Play-Pen..." I whispered as I typed it in my GPS.
I'm not getting anything gender specific. I just want to get the fun little stuff. I've got tons of diapers and hygiene things. I grabbed a little baby rocker and a mommy cam. "OH MY GOSH!" I yelled and then I looked around shocked because I accidentally screamed. I apologized to the few people near me then returned my attention to the stroller. A twin stroller...SO CUTE! I picked it up and put the box in my basket and moved on. I grabbed pacifiers and this cute bag I saw to carry all the baby stuff in. "Hmm I guess I'll stop here today..." I whispered and frowned from not getting any car seats but I don't want to carry to much. I check out and notice I have Xavier's card in my purse somehow. I never grabbed it. I called Xavier on my phone to see if he was missing this for a long time.
Yes Mate~
Xavier did you lose your card?
No I put it in your purse.
If I can't come I can at least pay. Not nice you told me to sit in front of everyone by the way.
Xavier I'm not using your card without you present. That's weird.
I think you are making it weird. I'm the daddy I can pay if I want.
U-uhh. Bye!
I don't know why Xavier calling himself the daddy made me flustered but I hung up. "Here sorry for the wait. Can you split it between these two cards?" I asked and handed the man both our cards. "Quite a guy you got there." He laughed as he took the cards. My mouth formed a nervous line and I covered my face. "And done! Here you go and congratulations!" He said as he returned our cards. I thanked him and put my stuff back in the cart. "Oh hold up. If you are comfortable, we have workers that help load the car. Wouldn't want the lucky parents to get hurt." He smiled. "Um...yeah actually that would be helpful." I said looking at the stroller that I did actually struggle slightly with. Nothing I can't do myself it's just nice they care and they're right. I shouldn't potentially hurt my babies by throwing my back. After a moment he decided to just help me himself and with a wave and thank you I left.
Xavier brought my stuff in and I proceeded to head upstairs to nap. Shopping is so therapeutic...
After taking a nap I received a call from my mom who wanted to come with me to my appointment. I sat up in bed and groaned as I groggily got ready. "XAVIER!" I called out as I left my room. When I closed my door and turned around Xavier scared me since he was already here. "Yes my gorgeous mate that is carrying my babies?" He said and proceeded to hug me while fluttering my cheeks with light kisses. I blushed and leaned into Xavier's embrace with a purr. He is so sweet and lovey dovey. Alphas seem to have so many layers. I wonder how he feels. I once felt sad about not being an Alpha but I prefer how my life is now. I get to have a family and grow as a person. It's like learning how to be me all over again. "What did you call me for Zea?" Xavier whispered and I snapped back to now. "Oh! Come on I've got a surprise for you." I excitedly say and drag him with me. As we left I told mom I'd meet her there. "Where are we going?" He asked and I just shook my head. It's a supriseeee. Xavier will be so happy to see the triplets. I also will be excited to see the genders. I want to know if I need Mr. Prince or Ms. Princess teddies. All babies of this pack will get a teddy from me. As we pull up to the building I had covered Xavier's eyes. "Okay now promise me you will keep your eyes closed." I said and he nodded. I waved to my mom as I guided Xavier out of the car. We steadily headed inside and I let go of Xavier's hand. "Okay you can open them now!" I say excitedly as I let go of his hand. He quickly opened his eyes and looked around for clues which he obviously received. It was as if you could literally see a light bulb turn on in his mind. "This is the omega hospital...oh god you're not having a baby right now right?!" He panicked and I laughed at him. "No silly. I'm sure my water would have broke and stuff. I just had an appointment today and I wanted you to come see the babies since you haven't yet." I said and he visibly calmed down.

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