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After seeing my brothers off they gave me their new address and the address for the twins and Empress. I had been in the kitchen eating all the ice cream for therapy. Luckily Xavier told me to stay home and get better and he offered to stay so he can take care of me. I told him I was fine and by the time he got back I'd feel better. Aaru is going back to school now so it's just me and Jace. "We could go to the doctor's today since you got stuck here?" He said as he rocked Angel. "That's a good idea. At least I won't be sitting here moping." I laughed and grabbed my keys. We picked up Angel's car seat from the van and put it in my car. Jace got in the back with her and he gave me directions.
As we pulled up I noticed how secluded this building was. The hospital was a big blue one called "The Nursery." It must specialize in pregnancies. I parked and we headed inside. Immediately Jace was greeted by some of the nurses. "Oh Evangeline is so precious!" One said and the others continued talking as well. "But I'm the one that delivered the cutie." One lady approached us and the others stopped talking to laugh before leaving. "So how can we help?" She said and her badge said Kayla. "This is Zea. We took a test at home a few days ago and it was positive. I just wanted her to get confirmation and registered at the best omega hospital." Jace said with a smile and I looked around. Everyone was so happy and cute. Short men and women plus some partners. This really was an omega hospital. I didn't notice when we were here for Angel since I was to busy freaking out. It made me a little self conscious to be around so many omegas. But I'm a good omega too I'm past that. I huffed and looked back at my conversation. "Okay well Serena here will see you to a room and preform some basics. She will also have some paper work for you and then I'll be back to see for myself." Doctor Kayla explained and handed ,the nurse who I assumed was Serena, some papers. She led us down a hallway into a casual nursing room. She gave Jace the papers and questioned me. Basic things I could handle so it allowed my brain to wonder as well. Jace filled out what he could and asked me about the rest. Everything was going so fast I was almost overwhelmed. Serena gave me a cup she wanted me too pee in so I did so in the bathroom. She took the cup with gloves and left the room. "Why are you so nervous?" Jace laughed and I joined in. "I'm not. I didn't disbelieve the test at home so it's nothing new." I said and Jace held my hand. Jace is pretty sweet. After waiting Serena came back saying congratulations. Jace looked happier than me it was funny. Serena gave me a card for a website for local pregnancy help. She opened the door after someone knocked and Kayla came in. She told me so much to expect and all the things they offer. It was very helpful and educational. She gave me follow up dates and said next time we could possibly hear a heart beat or see the gestational sac. The thought of hearing a heartbeat made mine quicken its pace. She sighed us out and reminded me not to take harmful medication. She told me to call if I had questions and I thanked everyone on the way out. "Me and Angel can tell you all the secrets." Jace said with excitement as he watched her. Angel came from Jace...that connection is what I want. I hope I don't screw this all up...
"Jace! Look at my belly!" I yelled and showed him my bump. I am kinda excited about it even though I'm confused. It's been eight weeks now. So it's a little early to show but that just gives me an excuse to go shopping soon. "Oh yeah it's pretty cute." He laughed and put Angel down on her blanket. "Here you go." Jace said as he handed me some chips. "Oh thanks. I'm supposed to go grocery shopping today. Do you want to come?" I asked and Jace said he couldn't because he was busy with Angel. I grabbed my keys and walked down the stairs eating my chips. "You heading out?" Xavier asked as I passed the boys on the couch. "Mhm." I said and waved as I left. I hop in my car and think about all the stuff I want to get.

I grab anything that looked good to me at the moment. I also thought about the pack's kitchen too. Bread for the pack. Pickles for me...and ice cream, chips, soda, chocolate...! I'm in literally heaven. I pick up a burger as I check out and start eating it. "Oh my gosh. This is...mm weeally gwood!" I said as I stuffed my face. I put my burger down in my car and went back home.
Hmm mommy is here? I carried my bag and continued my burger. I hope mom just wants to visit. "Hey mommy!" I say as I walk in. "Hey ho-is that mushroom?" She said sniffing me. "Hmm yeah there are some in here. Why?" I shrugged and he studied me. "You hate mushrooms..." she said and lifted my shirt. "AHH!" I screamed and dropped my burger while pulling my shirt down. "Zea...you're pre-" she said in awe but I covered her mouth as Xavier came around the corner. "Everything okay?" He asked and Giselle came too. "Yes yes. Mom surprised me haha. I'll see you in a moment." I said laughing and they left with concerned faces. "Shh please..." I told her and removed my hand. I cleaned up my mess and mom asked so many questions. I tried to answer some but I was too sad about my burger. "Let's see what you have." She giggled and took my bag. "Bread and butter pickles? Cheese balls? Cotton candy and birthday cake ice cream...Mac and cheese. Hey?! How far along are you." She whimpered. "Just eight weeks. Sorry I didn't tell you. Other than you Jace is the only one that knows." I explained. "Your not telling Xavier?" She gasped and I just shrugged. "I got set up with The Nursery, down by the main hospital." I told her and invited her to my next appointment. "Does my grand baby have any maybe names?" She said and looked around then rubbed my belly. I blushed and softly told her no. Mom and me talked for awhile about my pregnancy before she left.

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