Better, then worse, then better

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Before we get on with the chapter, I just wanted to say thank you for 600 reads! This is more than I ever could have hoped for so thank you for taking the time to read this story! It really means a lot to me!


Piper *charm speak*: I own all the rights to this.

Jason: Piper stop's not true.

Piper: *sigh* Fine, Rick Riordan owns everything.


*^One day later^*

I was walking over to the dining pavilion to get some breakfast. I was really going to turn myself around now. I needed to, especially since we were almost ahead of schedule now for the ship thanks to my dad. I didn't tell anyone how the ship was suddenly in much better condition than is was only minutes before. I simply told them it was 'magic'.

I saw Annabeth running towards me. She had a mixture of emotions and I couldn't tell what was on her mind. "Hey what's up?" I asked her as she slowed to a stop as she reached me.

"You better have thought about what I said." To be honest, so much has happened in the past few days I have no idea what she said.

"What did you say again? It's been a few days." I told her honestly, waiting for her to get mad and slap me or something.

"Well, I get it. I told you that if you needed someone I'm always here. " She told me sweetly. Then her eyes turned darker. "I swear if you skip any meals today I will personally skin you. Bye." I was very afraid of Annabeth. I didn't need anyone's help. I could recover just fine on my own.

After breakfast, instead of going straight to the bunker, I went to see Jason and Piper. They were walking together towards the cabins. "Hey guys!" I called after them. They both turned around to greet me.

"Hey Leo, we haven't seen you in forever! How have you been?" Horrible and feeling like dying and not in a good way. I wanted to stop lying to my friends, but I couldn't stop myself from giving the automatic answer that I always gave.

"Fine, how about you two? Still madly in love I see." I told them jokingly. I got punched in the arm by Piper.

"Ouch Beauty Queen, don't be so mad. Jason's not even crying so it can't be that bad!" I told them while laughing. Jason cracked a wide grin and was trying not to laugh. Piper didn't get the joke.

"Leo you think your so funny! All you do is hurt people and you don't even care! I've never liked your jokes. I've never liked hanging out with you! Your like an annoying sibling who doesn't ever go away! Just leave me alone!" Piper ranted at me, then she stormed off in a tempered rage. Jason stood there looking at me.

"Wow." Jason said after a few moments of silence. "I have no clue what's wrong with her." I had no clue how to take that. I've always thought that Piper was one of my closest friends, and now she just told me she hated me. Jason and I were still standing there like idiots. I don't think he knew how to take Piper's outburst either.

"I guess I better go work on the ship then." I said monotone, for once my happy, carefree exterior nonexistent. I turned to go to the bunker, but Jason put his hand on my shoulder gently.

"Are you OK? That was pretty harsh what she said. I'll talk to her and hopefully she'll cool off soon. I'm sorry for what she said, but are you gonna be OK?" Jason asked looking concerned about me.

"I'll be fine. " I told him blankly, as I kept walking towards the bunker. I kept repeating what Piper said over and over again in my head. Every word of what she said was true. I am worthless. Nothing. I just bring misery to everyone around me. I went to work on the ship not knowing what else to do. Working helped to take my mind off of everything. I didn't go to lunch, too afraid of what Piper would do if she saw me.

Annabeth came in when it was time for dinner and stalked over to me. "What did I say about skipping meals?" She yelled in my face. I was getting yelled at by everyone today.

"I have a good reason?" I squeaked at her shrinking down in fear.

"Better be good, because if it's not I'm gonna skin you." Annabeth threatened, her grey eyes scarier than ever.

"Piper and I had a fight and I wanted her to cool off before we saw each other again." Annabeth's eyes immediately calmed down and backed off.

"Oh, I get that. Piper was really upset and angry when I saw her earlier. You had a fight? What was it about?" Annabeth asked gently.

"I made a couple jokes about her and Jason and she took it the wrong way. I wasn't even insulting her, it was mostly Jason!" I shouted my frustrations. I normally just shut my feeling off and pretended everything was fine, but Annabeth already saw through my mask. No point in trying to hide it if she could already see it.

"Well, since they're dating she probably thought you were insulting both of them. I know if someone insulted Percy I wouldn't hesitate to attack them, even if they apologized." The way she said it was as if there was nothing wrong with violently attacking someone for making an innocent joke. I subconsciously took a step back.

"Well, I wouldn't know being an epic single pringle! But, the ladies love Leo!" I slipped my mask on without realizing what I did.

Annabeth immediately noticed. "Don't use that on me. I can see right through it." I frowned and she gave me a thin smile. "I know it's a habit but you have to show how you really feel. It really helps, trust me."

I nodded at her silently. She smiled at me. A genuine smile that made me feel kind of good inside.

"Well, you have to face her at some point. Might as well get it over with." Annabeth said walking out of the bunker. I followed her sighing, wishing I didn't have to go but knowing I had too. It was nice to know that Annabeth really did care about me, a true friend. I am forever great full for her.
It's been a little while. I hope everyone is staying healthy through all of this craziness. Again thank you for 600 reads, it really means a lot to me. Review please! Cya

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