Ready... Aim... Fire!

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I was leaning against the wall as Wash and Felix watched Tucker fixing Caboose's helmet.

"So, how bad is it?" asked Wash. Felix looked at him. "The man coming for is named Locus. He's a merc like, me, only... ya'know... terrifying."

"Locus?" Wash said.

"Yeah." Felix said. "Guy's so far off the deep end he prefers to go by the name of his armour instead of the name he was born with." He gave a whistle.

"Thats unsettling." Wash said as he walked to the edge but stops there.

"Oh, are you first name 'Agent' last name 'Washington'" Felix said sarcastically. "That's so weird!"

"Thats just..." Wash said. "...old habits."

"Yeah, well. Here's to hoping more of your old habits kick in when he shows up." Felix stated. "You know, I thought there'd be more of you. Weren't you with another Freelancer, and an A.I?"

"They disappeared not long after we crashed." Wash answered.

"Sheesh," Felix said, enthusiastically. "Any idea were they went?"

Wash hesitanted to answer. "...No."

"Hmm. Well, if it makes you feel any better, I haven't heard anything about them over the radio. So... umm... That's probably good." Felix said, trying to cheer up Wash.

"How was he able to cloak himself?" Wash asked.

"Hmm?" hummed Felix as he looked at Wash.

"Locus." Wash looked at him. "He turned invisble. How?"

"The Federal Army's got sorts of fancy stuff." Felix answered. "I got my light shield off a dead soldier." He turns on his shield while saying,"Shum!" And turns it off while saying,"Wah! Pretty cool."

"It's just that I've never seen that kind of equipment outside of Project Freelancer." Wash said.

"Welcome to the future, Wash." Felix looked at me while walking away from Wash into the base. "And little lady whom I don't know her name is, yet." Then, he turns and looked back at Wash. "Technology is incredible, and everyone uses it to kill each other."

Wash ignored that Felix looked at me. "Does that mean your guys have the same equipment?" He asked.

"I wish." Felix scoffed. "The New Republic's barely getting by with what they can. You wouldn't happen to have any high-tech armour aboard that wreck, would you?"

"Plenty of armour," Wash answered. "Just nothing our of the ordinary."

"Hmm..." Felix said. "Well, at least you can accessorize? Eh? Try a little colour combo? Mix it up? I... I'm sorry. I'm just trying to lighten the mood."

Wash looked at me and to Felix. "Actually... I think I might indulge in some of those old habits you were talking about. Follow me." Wash started to walk back in base, he stopped and peered over his shoulder. "You too, (Name). You need armour."

"Okay." I quickly followed Wash. Felix just stood there. "Man, you are just... cryptic. Like all the time, do you realize that?"

"C'mon Felix!" I shouted. Felix quickly followed us. He walked right beside me.

"So," He looked at me. "Haven't got your name?"

"Its (Name)." Wash answered. His back facing me. "Yeap, thats my name." I said.

"Okay, how did you get here?" Felix asked. "Haven't seen a civilian like you here? I mean, you are not soldier. Am I right?"

"Oh," I started. "Wash rescued me. I was the last one who crawled out from that ship. I'm actually not from around here, just a wanderer seeking new stuff here and there."

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