Dancing is hard

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"Oh... my... god..." panted Grif as he danced Move Likes Jagger by Maroon 5 feat. Christina Aguilera. "This... is.... hard..."

"I... can't... take..."panted Bitters. "...it... anymore..."


Bitters and Grif fainted on the ground.

"Orange Team is out," I said. "The remaining team left are Blue Team and Red Team." I looked at Felix. "Be patient Felix, your turn will come."

"Now, the next team," I shouted as I pick which team with my hand. "...Red Team, please step forward."

Red Team, Jensen and Simmons step forward and I choose a song, Can't Hold Us by Macklemore and Ryan Lewis. And off we go! Dancing!

As we dance, a lot of the rebel troopers came by and watched us. Even Vanessa. I took a glance at Jensen and Simmons, they really wanted to beat me but...

"Argh..." Jensen said. "We lost." She looked at me. "Your so good, (Name). Getting all the 5 stars while we get 4 stars."

"Don't worry," I gave her a smile. "One day, you shall beat me, everyone as well."

She nodded her head and went back standing with the rest of the teams.

"I... over... estimated..." panted Simmons as he sit on the ground. "...you (Name)..." I offer my hand. "C'mon, its Blue Team turn to dance with me, and then-"

"Its Felix turn," Felix cooed.

"Alright," Simmons said as he stand up and walked back to join the team.

"Blue Team," I shouted. "Its your turn."

Blue Team, Smith and Caboose walked towards me, Caboose is more like skipping and Smith were walking casually. I picked a song, Its You by Duck Sauce.

As we dance, the Blues are better than the rest. Why? They are dancing quite well and I'm sure they can beat me.

"This is fun!" shouted Caboose. "We should always make dance party!"

"Yes," huffed Smith. "...sir."

At the end, Blue Team almost beat me. Caboose had 5 stars while Smith had 3 stars. I looked at Felix. "My turn." He said.

The team sat down and rest while watching Felix and I dance. "You ready?" I asked him as I choose a song, Beauty and the Beat by Justin Bieber feat. Nicki Minaj.

"Yeah," I could feel a smirk under his helmet. "To beat you."

Here we go! Dancing!

Felix was good. He was catching up to me. The troopers were cheering on both of us, even Tucker. He was cheering on me, to kick Felix's ass.

At the end, Felix and I got 5 stars but mine, was a little higher than his. So, I guess that makes me win. Felix high-five me and went back to whatever work he was doing. I looked at the teams.

"For the last finale," I said, earning their attention, even Felix. "Lets have the recruits to dance and then their leader. How does that sound?"

"Yes!" shouted Jensen. "I will beat you boys!"

The recruits stepped forward and I choose a song for them, Wake Me Up by Aivicii.

"Dance well," I said as I left them to dance. I went to guys. "So, how are you guys?"

"Tired" said Simmons and Grif at the same time.

"Meh," said Tucker, he shrugged.

"This is fun!" shouted Caboose.

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