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The whole day, there was nothing. No talking, not shouting...nothing.

The day seemed to fly by and before the human pair realized it was nightfall.

The next morning Jack woke up but there was no Mark to say morning to, well top of the morning anyway.

'Weird...' Jack thought getting up. He heard a chuckle and looked towards the door. There, leaning ever so casually on the doorframe, was Dark himself. 

Jack suddenly stood up and tried sounding less scared than he actually was. 

"Where's Mark? What have ye done with him?" Jack asked, trying to hide his fear.

Dark chuckled lowly.

"Oh, he's not here right now. He's, shall we say, a bit tied up?" Dark replied, approaching Jack.

Jack backed away, bumping into the wall behind him he heard a

"That's enough Dark."

Anti to the rescue apparently. But then the green-haired Irishman remembered he and Anti are bound to each other if Jack gets hurt Anti feels it too and vies versa. Jack sat shaking. 

Dark glared at Jack then left the room.

"What? No thank you for saving your no good ass?" Anti said. 

Without a response from Jack, Anti turned on his heel and left the room.  

Later that day, Mark was thrown back into the cell with Jack, beaten and bloody. He sat up and spit out his own blood. Groaning in pain, he leant back on the wall and didn't even acknowledge Jack. 

Jack froze with fear and worry.




Again silence.

Jack shook Mark slightly but he didn't wake up.

"No...please...don't die on me now!!" Jack's voice trembled at the thought of losing his best friend. He remembered all the fun times he had with Mark, helping him film his Valentines Day special 'A Date with Markiplier', Mark even helped him with his Halloween video 'Say Goodbye' both featuring the two demons impersonating them.

He couldn't lose his only friend in this nightmare he called his life. 

A groggy "Jack?" brought him back into the harsh reality that was his life. Looking at the pale body next to him, he saw Mark Edward Fischbach was awake.

"Don't do scared me," Jack said, helping his friend sit up. 

Mark didn't say anything, he simply hid in Jack's chest. Jack sat playing with Mark's faded red hair comforting his friend as best he could. He sang quietly. Songs like 'Life Afraid' and 'Car Radio'. Mark calmed down and drifted off into a deep sleep. Jack sighed and cuddled Mark, wanting to keep him safe. 

A few hours later, Mark awoke to see Anti dragging Jack out of whatever room they were in. 

"No! Don't!" Was all Mark managed to say before the heavy steel gate was slammed and locked. 




Nothing to say here.

Stay Safe

Stay Crazy 

-HQ x

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