Over the next few days, both Jack and Mark endured more than just an average torturing. 

Mark had more cuts and bruises than he cared to admit and some were still bleeding. Jack had been whipped so many times by Dark it hurt to move. 

There was nothing the duo could do, except to sit and wait. But even that was absolute torture.

Jack looked up and stared at the ceiling.  

"How long have we been here Mark?" Jack asked.

Mark shrugged. "I'm not sure Jack..."

Jack got up and walked around for a second, attempting to get rid of the pins and needles in his side. He sighed and collapsed against a wall. 

He looked drained, too weak to even attempt to call out to the demons upstairs. The pins and needles in his side hadn't disappeared. 

Upstairs, the demons were talking about how they were going to bring around the apocalypse, literally.

"So how are you two planning on taking over the world this time?" Flame asked.

Dark and Anti looked at each other, both too scared to speak.

"Well? I'm waiting for an answer!" Flame yelled at the two.

"We're going to try the same as before but get rid of Jack and Mark first," Dark replied, shaking slightly at the king's sudden outburst. He knew he shouldn't be showing fear but he couldn't help it. 

Every demon in Hell knew that Flame wasn't the actual King of Hell. He just acted like he was because he was a distant relative of Lucifer, the real King of Hell. Flame sighed. 

"You know what happened the last time you tried that don't you?" Flame asked.

Anti nodded. Being Flame's assistant meant he had to make sure to do a good job otherwise he and Dark would be thrown into the darkest part of Hell itself, The Cage where Lucifer himself resided.

"Yes, sir I remember what happened," Anti said.

Downstairs in the basement, Jack and Mark heard the whole conversation. Jack curled up into Mark's side trembling with fear.

"It's okay Jack. I'm here." Mark said, comforting his green-haired Irishman for a best friend.

Night fell and silence filled the house like mist. Jack slept curled next to Mark in the cold, Mark lay next to Jack's quivering body and let sleep fall on him too. The rest of the house above them still made no noise. Anti was asleep in one of the rooms and Dark was passed out on a sofa. Flame had disappeared back to Hell.

As the sun rose, as did the demons upstairs. Jack and Mark awoke to the sounds of crashing and banging around upstairs.

Freezing, the pair looked at each, fear clear in their eyes. When the heavy steel door blocking their escape route, all they saw was a very angry Dark. He advanced towards the two and grabbed Jack by the collar. 

"Let me go!" He yelled, but Dark didn't listen. 

He dragged the screaming Irishman upstairs while a terrified Mark watched in horror as his best friend was dragged away. 




This is the last A/N until the end of the book now. 

Stay Safe 

Stay Crazy 

-HQ x

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