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A few days of laying low paid off as one day while Jack was busy doing something Anti sneaked in and attempted to grab him. Jack sounded the alarm and Cry and Mark came running in.

"Cry we meet again," Anti said, his cold, emotionless toxic green eyes gleaming slightly. Cry let out an audible sigh. 

"Antisepticeye. What a pleasure." Cry said with a very obvious fake happiness in his tone. 

Anti chuckled and let a thrashing Jack go. Jack scrambled over to Mark who held him close.

Anti smirked. "He's weak anyway. We don't need him."

Cry glared at Anti.

"He is not weak. It was you would made him weak! It's your fault he's like this you no good demon scum!" Cry said angrily, cobalt eyes blazing with pure hatred and rage. 

Anti smirked then vanished in a cloud of toxic green smoke. Jack looked at the already forming bruise from Anti and grimaced.

"Ouch, that's one nasty bruise." One of Cry's friends Alysha said, glancing at the deep purple and blueish mark on Jack's lower right arm.

"Yeah, and it stings too." Jack replied.

(I forgot to mention, everyone in this book is a shadowhunter)
Alysha took her stele from her pocket and drew the healing rune.

Jack's bruise instantly healed and he began to feel a lot better. Later throughout the day, the demon threat became too much for the group of eight shadowhunters so they called in backup from the New York Institute. Who did they call in? Well...

Jace Herondale, a blonde badass shadowhunter with a sassy attitude and insane fighting skills. Alec's parabati. The Angel Ithuriel's blood runs through his veins. Son to Stephen and Celine Herondale.

Clarissa Morgenstren, Jace's girlfriend. A redhead with the ability to create new runes. Daughter to Jocylen Fairchild and Valentine Morgenstern.

Alec Lightwood, Jace's parabati and the awesome gay in the group. Skilled with a bow and arrow. Isabelle's older brother. In a relationship with the warlock Magnus Bane. The oldest son of Maryse and Robert Lightwood.

Isabelle Lightwood, Alec's little sister. Skilled with a bracelet which is actually a whip. Only daughter to Maryse and Robert Lightwood.

Magnus Bane, a warlock. He is the High Warlock of Brooklyn and is in a relationship with Alec Lightwood. Son to an unnamed woman and Asmodeus.

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