Chapter Four

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Chemistry class crept upon him. Kadir sat in front like he always did with his eyes sweeping the board, trying to grasp some semblance of understanding. A pen jabbed him in the back, demanding his attention. He turned and saw Clementine behind him. She waved. "How'd it go with your friend earlier? Jonathan, was it?"

Kadir sniffled and shook his head. "Not great."

"Really? What happened?"

"He betrayed me."


Kadir turned back to answer but the teacher called his name. "Mr Alexander, this is not the time to be chatting. Organic chemistry isn't a topic you can joke with. Pay attention."

"Sorry." Clementine's pen jabbed him again and he turned around more discreetly, giving her the what-do-you-want look. She handed him a folded piece of paper. He opened it. It read, "Come find me after school. Let's talk about it."

She smiled, awaiting his answer. He faced the board again.

At the end of the day, Kadir found her in the same place he'd found her the day before - in the courtyard - but this time she was alone. She perked up when she caught sight of him and put her phone away. "Hey."

Kadir waved. "So are you going to tell me how he betrayed you or are you just gonna leave me hanging?"

"I don't really want to get into details."

"I can understand why but talking about it might help you get your mind straight and detoxify your energy. You know, regain those positive vibes."

He shook his head, a smile budding on his lips. "I don't know if I had many positive vibes to speak of in the first place."

"Well, let's find you some. Come with me. There's this café around the corner that makes really good coffee."He didn't have the heart to tell her he didn't like coffee.

They made their way there side by side. It was a small, cosy-looking place with big glass windows that showcased the rustic décor inside. The moment Kadir stepped inside, he was enveloped in the warmth and the smell of baking carbs. He was in love.

Seeing the obvious pleasure in Kadir's expression, Clementine smiled. I overheard you talking to Miss Cadence about the pain-au-chocolat your friend gave you so I thought I'd do one better."

"That's very kind of you."

"Just wanted to make the sunshine a little brighter."

"I assume you're talking about me?"

"That I am. Let me take you to my favorite booth." She led him to the back, close to the counter, and took a seat. She patted the space next to her. "Sit next to me." He obeyed.

"Right then. What did Jonathan do this time?"

"I don't know how to explain this to you."

"Well, I'm going to get a drink and give you a chance to think about how to explain this to me. Do you want something?"

"Uh, earl grey if they have any."

"Coming right up." She slipped out of the booth's chair and headed to the counter."

He thought long and hard about how he could tell her without bringing up old pain. His train of thought crashed when she reappeared carrying two cups.

"Here you go," she said, placing a light blue mug in front of him. She handed him some sugar packets. "Didn't know how you liked it."

He took a sip. "It's nice. Thank you."

"Not a problem." She wrapped her hands around her own grey mug. "So, did you figure it out?"

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