Chapter Nine

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The pair burst into the library, startling Cadence, and Clementine wrapped Kadir in her embrace. He sobbed into her shirt and struggled against her, trying to escape. "Kadir, Kadir, relax," she begged but he didn't hear her. She's trying to kidnap you. Don't let her.

Tears streaming down his face, he clawed at the arms holding him. She let him go instantly and he fled into the library's depths. She winced as she watched angry, red welts rise on her brown skin and watched his figure disappear. Cadence came out from behind her desk and walked up to Clementine. "What's going on?"

"I, I don't know. Everything was fine and then, then Eden showed up and cornered him. He looked really unwell and started begging for someone to help him." She shook her head, hands trembling as she wrung them over and over. "It's, it's all my fault. I messed up his rhythm this morning because I slept over and I did what I wanted without considering what he needed and then this happened."

She patted the girl on the shoulder, smiling at her gently. "You did the best you could, my dear. I'll take it from here. You just go to class."


"Go." Casting a wistful gaze in the direction he fled, she left. Cadence sighed, tidied her bun and got to work.

Kadir shut himself inside the supply closet, shaking and sobbing. Now wait here. No one can get you here, I promise. He pulled his knees up to his chest and rocked gently, as waves of heat burned him from the inside. Dusty. Quiet. Safe. I'll be safe here.

"Knock, knock, knock." Kadir's head shot up, his lip trembling. He stayed silent, listening to his heart beating in his ears. Go away, Clementine. I don't want you to see me like this. "It's Cadence." He heard her sit down on the cold tiled floor and listened to her breathing.

"What do you need from me, love?" she asked, her voice low and soft and soothing. "I could make some hot chocolate really quickly."

"No thank you," he whispered shakily.

"Alright." She exhaled gently. "I want you to do something with me, okay?" He didn't respond. 'Breathe with me. In...and out." She heard his breath leave him faintly. "Good boy. Now again."

They breathed in tandem, punctuated briefly by Ms Cadence's instructions. "How do you feel?"

"...Like my heart's about to explode."

"I'm not surprised. That's a normal symptom of a panic attack," she said, crossing her legs. "Is your chest tight?"

He shook his head. "It's loose."

"That's good," she said with a smile he could hear. "I'll wait with you here until this scary feeling passes."

She's a liar. "...Okay."

"It'll all be over soon."

They sat together inside for what felt like hours. The deafening thump of his heartbeat gradually dissipated and the tremors of his body steadied. All his strength drained from his body as the feeling faded from the recesses of his mind.

"Ms Cadence?" he called, his voice weak. "Are you still there?"

"Yes, love." She shuffled closer towards the cupboard door.

"Is it okay if I hold your hand?"

"Yes, darling, that's fine."

She gently opened the door. Harsh light flooded the comforting darkness inside the small space and he winced. Cadence offered him her hand and he took it loosely, holding it in his lap. He sighed, his head drooping low. "I can't believe I just did that in front of everyone. Here I was thinking things were getting better."

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