Chapter Six

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The sun rose on another day and Clementine met Kadir on his route to school. She skipped in his direction, her culottes flowing in the breeze. "Here," said Kadir when she arrived at his side, handing her a foil-wrapped package.

She took it tentatively. "What's this?"

"Just open it." She did as she was told and her face lit up when she saw the white roll.

"It's a bacon bap. With raw onions like you said."

"Aw, Kadir," she crooned. "You made me a sandwich?"

He eyed her, confused. "I did. I thought you wanted me to. I was being friendly."

"And you were successful," replied Clementine, taking a bite. "You're a better friend than you seem to think you are."

His resulting laugh was hollow. "I'm an awful friend."

They entered the school side by side and parted ways at the entrance. Kadir walked into his homeroom and saw Eden sat on his desk, cross-legged, bathing in the sunlight. "Why, hello peasant." He jumped at the sound of her voice and almost retreated but she sprang up and walked towards him. "You're still such a baby, Kaddie."

"Please don't call me that."

She ignored him. "You know, I've seen the little girl you've been hanging around with now that Jonathan's finally broken away from you. You're trying awfully hard to find someone to latch onto - I'm not surprised - you're so irreversibly damaged." She pinned him against the wall next to the door. "For your sake, I hope you realise that you'll never be able to fill the gaping hole in your pitiful psyche or in your heart," hissed Eden. "You will never be able to interact with someone the appropriate way, Kadir. You're too much of a leech." She patted him on the shoulder. "I'd say things will get better for you, but I can't. They never will."

Her wicked smile grew as she watched the life drain from his eyes. "I'll see you later, Kaddie. I have a rendezvous with my precious boyfriend. Can't miss it." She blew a kiss as she strutted away, cackling softly.

A shaky breath escaped Kadir as he slumped against the wall and he felt his spirit wither. He stumbled towards his bag, dizzy, and rummaged through the disorganised mess for his bottle of anti-anxiety meds.

Once he finally found them, he swallowed two immediately and gripped the sides of his desk. His body trembled and his vision blurred. He took a puff of his inhaler and sat in his seat, defeated. Then, he saw nothing.

"Kadir!" He pried his eyes open and looked up at Clementine who stood in front of his desk. "I've been calling you for a while," she murmured. "Are you okay?"

"Please don't talk to me. This isn't going to work," he said softly. Clementine's nose wrinkled.

"What're you going on about?"

"You need to stay away from me. Please. I'll only cause you problems." He gathered his things rapidly and slinked into the corridor, sticking close to the walls.

Clementine chased after him, her face screwed in confusion. "What, why? Did I do something wrong?

"Talking to me is a waste of time, Clementine." He sighed. "I'm a waste of time."

"That's not true," she said, scrambling to keep up with his long strides. He slipped into their next classroom and she followed suit. "Kadir, talk to me." He kept his head down as he took his seat. She crouched down next to him, trying to catch his eye.

"Kadir, it's true that I haven't known you long but sunshine-" she held his hand in hers - "you are not a waste of time. You're adorable, you're a whole person who deserves love and kindness and attention. I'm not about to cast you aside because you think I should."

He shook his head. "Why do you keep doing this? Why do you insist on being near me?" He scratched his scalp aggressively and held his head in his hands. "I'm trying to help you! I'm toxic and useless and weird and broken. I don't need you to take pity on me like this!" Kadir jerked his hand away. "You keep insisting you want to be friends just because but that's not possible. I, I don't, I can't believe you."

"Kadir, I don't understand why you're pushing me away like this but I won't let you. You cannot push me away from you because you're insecure. I genuinely want to be your friend and you can't stop me." She offered a soft smile. "Even if you think you're all those things, I still want to get to know you and help you through it. Please let me."

He fumed silently. "Why're you doing this?"

"Because I want to help you and you seem like a cool person."

"I'm an awful person."

"Let me decide that."

He shook his head and laughed shakily. "You're so stubborn."

"It's an integral part of my personality."

"Alright class, settle down. Ms Reed, off the floor please," huffed the teacher as he strolled into the room. She gave Kadir's hands a reassuring squeeze before doing as she was told.

Clementine shadowed Kadir for the rest of the day, trying to catch his attention. He tried her best to ignore her but her presence wasn't the kind that could be ignored. At lunch, she plopped down next to him and stared holes into the side of his head. "Is there something I can help you with?"

"There's something I want to hear you say."

"What do you want?" he groaned.

"Say that I can be your friend."

Kadir lightly tapped his fingers against the table. "Fine. You can have your free trial."

Her eyes lit up. "Are you serious?"

"I could rescind my offer."

"No, no, no," said Clementine, snuggling up to him. He shuffled away from her embrace. "Thank you."

"The trial has an end date obviously. Don't thank me yet."

"How long do I have?"

"Three weeks."

She cracked her knuckles and pushed her glasses up her nose. "Then I'll make them the best three weeks of your life."

"Sure. Try your best," he said flatly.

The Moon's BoyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora