Chapter Eleven

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As Kadir's dreams lit up behind his eyes, the image of Clementine approached him, her head surrounded by a faint halo of yellowish light. She gently laid her hands on his body, her touch as faint as a ray of sun, and she wrapped her arms around his neck. He stiffened as she flashed him that glowing smile and drew close to him. He gulped, his mouth suddenly dry. As he watched her eyes fall closed, his heart beat wildly and he leaned into her like he was being gently pushed from behind. The moment his lips were about to brush against hers, the aggressive ringing of his alarm shattered his fantasy and he collided with the hard floor, swaddled in his bedspread.

The heat radiating from his body was dizzying. His head spun. He staggered to his feet like an experienced anaemic and checked the time. Eight o'clock. I need to get ready before she shows up.

Every time he closed his eyes, Clementine appeared, still smiling that kind smile. Despite his best attempts at distraction, her image lingered. The coldness of his shower did nothing to bring down his temperature.

After he got dry, Kadir rummaged in his drawers for his refill pad. He yanked it out when he found it and flung it open on his desk. Grabbing his favourite black pen, Kadir scribbled down the visions that haunted his mind, the heat that still plagued him and the strange disappointment that lurked in the base of his heart. Moments after he put the pen down, the fever dissipated and he relaxed, slipping the refill pad back into the drawer.

At exactly nine o'clock, Kadir heard knocking on the front door. He tucked his hair behind his ear and pulled down the sleeves of his dark blue sweater. I hope I look okay. He opened it and saw Clementine in a dark orange overall dress and a long-sleeved yellow t-shirt. Her clear lip gloss shone in the early morning light and her fluffy curls framed her face nicely. She looked radiant. As always, a voice whispered. He quickly averted his gaze, the contents of his dream threatening to resurface.

She placed a gentle hand on his face, a worried look rapidly spreading across hers. "You okay? Your face is kinda red." She slid her fingers to the base of his throat, checking his pulse, making him shiver. "Are you about to have another panic attack? Do you need to sit down? Your heart is racing." He brushed her hand away, unable to maintain eye contact.

"I'm, I'm fine. Let's just go."

The walk to Clementine's house was silent but thankfully not awkward. They managed to cross the town square without any issues since the usual sea of people was merely a trickling river at that time of day. They arrived on her doorstep and Kadir surveyed the building. It was decently sized with a well-tended front garden. Clementine knocked on the front door.

A tall, wispy girl around twelve opened the door and stared up at Kadir with wise, curious eyes the colour of hickory wood. Her huge black hair haloed her head and complimented her skin the same dark brown as old books. She focused her gaze on Clementine. "Is this the boy you told us about?" she asked. Clementine nodded.

"Kadir, meet my little sister, Neptune." Neptune gave a polite nod and offered her hand. Kadir shook it, grateful for the simplicity of the interaction. He wasn't accustomed to younger people being so calm and collected.

Neptune stepped aside and let them in. "Would you like me to show you around, Kadir?" asked Clementine, leading him into the entryway.

"No, not really." His eyes swept the modern, stylish decor of the living room.

"Too bad, I'm going to show you around anyway." She grabbed him by the wrist and dragged him past the kitchen island into the corridor. A boy sped down the stairs suddenly and almost bumped into them. He was slender with large doe eyes and short black hair. Small, dark patches littered his brown skin a similar hue as a dying sunset and purple objects sat in his ears. His eyes the same colour as Neptune's scanned Kadir up and down.

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