Chapter Twelve

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“I thought we agreed no crowds,” said Kadir, eyeing the shopping centre as it came into view.

“Oh, we did,” replied Clementine. She stopped for a moment to flash him a reassuring smile. “Trust me.” She offered her hand to him and hesitantly, he took it. It was warm.

Together, they walked inside and Kadir stiffened at the sight of the wandering pairs and individuals. Clementine squeezed his hand gently before pulling him down the hallway. Kadir held his tongue, swallowing his complaints, as he allowed Clementine to do what she wanted. Before long, the pair came to a stop outside a storefront. “We’re here!”

Kadir cast a gaze at the sign overhead. His nose wrinkled. “The Build-A-Bear Workshop?”

“Yeah!” She studied his face. “You don’t like it?”

“It’s not that,” he said hastily, not wanting to hurt her feelings. “I’ve just never… built a bear before.”

Clementine clapped, her face lighting up. “Perfect.”

The bell on the door jingled the moment the girl pushed it open and the bright colours of the shop grasped Kadir’s attention. Clementine sighed happily as she drank in the ambiance, clasping her hands together.

“Welcome to the Build-A-Bear workshop,” greeted an attendant from behind the counter. Kadir meekly waved at them and followed Clementine through the shelves of teddy bears. He watched the stuffing turn in the machine like a rising and falling tide and ran his fingers on the little clothes on their hangars.

“What kind of bear do you want, Kadir?” asked Clementine. His head jerked up and he eyed her, confused.

“I didn’t realise we were actually going to build bears.”

Clementine giggled. “Well, now you know.”

Kadir scratched his head. “I don’t particularly want one.”

“Aw, really?” She put down the brown bear she was holding. “I was hoping that we’d get matching bears to commemorate the beginning of our friendship."

Kadir’s ears itched as his face began to burn. “There’s no need for all that.”

“Oh, but there is!” she said, tucking a stray braid behind her ear. “All milestones should be celebrated.”

“...If you say so.”

“I think I’m gonna make a grey bear.” She pointed to one sitting on the shelf. “It matches your eyes.” He avoided her honest gaze. 

“Then… I’ll make an orange one. Like your glasses.”

“That’s the spirit!” He blushed. Her smile echoed the one in his dreams.

As Kadir silently watched his friend grow more and more excited about her new plushie, an unfamiliar warmth bloomed in his chest. Every time she gushed about the accessories she wanted, every time she stroked the bear’s fur with tender enthusiasm, his heart beat a little slower, a little more calmer. It was odd. Pleasant, but odd.

“What do you want my bear twin to say?” Clementine asked, standing near the voice recorder.

“You, you want it to say something?”

“Yeah! It adds to the new friend vibe.” She squeezed her grey one. “I know what I want mine to say.”

“Does that mean you have something you want me to say for you?”

She nodded. “You’re smart.”

Kadir shook his head. “What is it you want me to say?”

Clementine stared pensively at the ceiling. “I want you to say, 'Giving you that free trial was the best idea I've ever had'.’”


She nodded.

“That’s so… cheesy.”

“I think it’s adorable so you’re just gonna have to suck it up and say it. Have you decided on what you want me to say yet?”

“Um…” He stared into the plushie’s shiny eyes. “Say 'You're a ray of sunshine',” he murmured.

Clementine grinned mischievously. “I didn’t quite catch that. Say it again?”

“I want it to say 'You're a ray of sunshine',” he mumbled. She patted him on the back.

“That can be arranged.” He smiled.

One after another, they recorded their messages and the attendant promptly slipped the speakers into the bears’ fluff. Kadir slipped a patterned white t-shirt and a tutu skirt on his Clementine bear and gave his nod of approval when Clementine showed him the sweater and jeans on his furry counterpart. She squished his stomach. “'Giving you that free trial was the best idea I've ever had'.” Her whole face glowed like a lantern.

“You seem very happy about this.”

“I am!” She hugged the bear close to her chest and smiled up at him. His heart tightened. “I got matching bears with my new friend, that’s something to be very happy about.”

Kadir scratched his head. “I’m, I’m glad to hear it.”

Clementine handed the attendant a few coupons. When she noticed Kadir’s questioning look, she said, “My uncle used to bring me here all the time when I was little so now he sends me Build-A-Bear coupons for my birthday and Christmas and stuff. I’ve been keeping them for a special occasion. Best decision I’ve made in a while.”

Kadir put his bear in a bag while Clementine chose to hold onto hers and they left. “Thank you,” he said as they walked back to her house.

“No problem, sunshine. I’m happy that you decided to spend time with me. I think this three-week trial is going to turn into a full-time thing, you mark my words.”

Kadir just looked away, faintly smiling.

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