Chapter Eight

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"Here," said Kadir, handing her a wad of clothes. "I don't have anything in your signature colour but these should fit you just fine."


Kadir brushed his hair in the bedroom mirror and put on his school ID. "I'll wait for you downstairs."

He ambled down and spotted Clementine's bright orange glasses on one of the couch cushions. He picked them up, wiped them clean and slipped them into his pocket. Within seconds, he made two chicken mayo sandwiches from Sunday lunch leftovers and sat idle at the dining room table. His lady friend strolled down the stairs wearing his dark green sweatshirt and white denim jeans, rubbing her eyes. She's cuter than I thought. "I can't find my glasses."

"You left them here."

"Oh, thanks." She took them from him and walked into the kitchen and opened the cabinets. "Do you have cereal?"

"It's mostly Oscar's but I don't think he'd mind." Kadir checked his pocket watch. "I don't think we'll have time for that-"

"Aw, come on," she purred, pouring herself a bowl. "Let's just relax a little."

"Fine." Kadir sat next to her as she ate happily and just reclined into his seat.

Oscar strolled into the kitchen with his hair sticking up in all directions and his tie dangling around his neck, eyes half-closed. His head whipped round when he caught sight of Kadir. "What're you still doing here?" he asked, pouring himself a bowl of cereal. "You're never here when I get up." His gaze landed on the girl sitting next to him. "Ah, you're having a breakfast date with your girlfriend? You could've taken her somewhere more interesting than the dining room." Clementine snorted.

"I'm perfectly fine here. It's the company that matters, not the location," she said with a wink. Kadir covered his heated face with his hands.

"Are you done?" She nodded and quickly rinsed her bowl. Kadir brushed his brother's wild hair back with his fingers and while he stood there patiently.

"Let's go," said Clementine picking up her bag from the rack near the door. "See you later, Oscar." He waved a sleepy goodbye.

Kadir took large strides as they walked and Clementine skipped at his pace. Students flowed into the school like ants towards a pile of sugar; Kadir stopped in his tracks. Clementine hesitated mid-stride and stood next to him. She heard his shallow breathing as his gaze remained fixed on the building in front of them. She slipped her hand into his. It was trembling. "It'll be okay," she whispered.

He looked at her, half-dazed. She walked him into school and felt his fingers dig into her skin. The noise flared the moment they stepped inside; Kadir resisted the persistent urge to cover his ears. They walked through the rapidly-filling corridor slowly, with Clementine walking in front of him. "I'm not lost," he breathed, "I'm not lost."

"Oh, Kadir!" called Eden, waltzing towards the pair. Kadir sighed in defeat at the sound of her voice. "It's been such a long time since we've seen you in the corridor like a normal person. It's about time that you stopped hiding in empty classrooms like a wannabe serial killer." She gave Clementine a once-over and showed a scathing grin. "Looks like you have a new pet. Here I was thinking you'd never manage to find someone else but you've proved me wrong."

"I can't believe Kadir's got a girlfriend," she said at the top of her voice. Everyone's heads turned in their direction, some people with looks of shock and disbelief and others with mere curiosity.

"You're joking," a girl called from the other end of the corridor.

"If you don't believe me, come see for yourself." Gradually, people encircled Clementine, Kadir and his tormentor. His body trembled as his eyes darted from person to person as they trapped him slowly. The noise grew louder and his brain tried to decrypt all the voices speaking at once. They've left you here, Kadir. His heart thumped like the wild beat of a gazelle's hooves in his chest and in his ears. "Everyone, please, step back," Clementine pleaded, trying to shield Kadir. No one listened. They don't want you anymore. His skin drained of colour as his head spun and the floor gave way beneath him.

Eden smirked at the shaken boy and stepped towards him like a predator stalking her prey. She didn't come back for you, he hissed. She's here to make sure you drown in all these people like she did the last time. Eden sidestepped the girl desperately trying to protect Kadir and stroked his face lovingly. "I love it when you make that face," she cooed. Clementine swatted her hand away, her lips drawing back in a snarl. "This one's feisty, I like her. She's the kind of person I'd take to a carnival." He stiffened.

Carnival. Loud noise. Crowds. No one can hear you hear you scream here. Hot flashes scalded his insides as sweat trickled down his back. I'm going to die here.

"Someone, someone help me," he mumbled, his eyes glued to the ground and swimming in his tears. Clementine looked at him worriedly and tried to catch his attention but he wouldn't make eye contact. The music is playing louder and louder as the people pass you by. They push and shove past you as you plead for help, as you call out for Jonathan, for Eden, for someone who can save you from this hell—

The bell trilled in Kadir's ears and people began to disperse. Eden, a wicked glint gleaming in her eye, blew them a kiss. "Ta ta, lovelies," she said as she walked away.

The moment Clementine spotted an opening in the crowd, she sprinted towards the library, dragging Kadir along with her.

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