Yet again, this is not a new chapter

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The new chapters are in the new book. Now being on the Wattpad Beta app, I can publish parts on this story again.
I am here to speak a new book.

It is about our Barry Allen and Leonard Snart. While it is not about them being The Flash and Captain Cold - although I am tempted to dive into that route - it is about the two being friends (alongside Mick and Caitlin) within a band.

This is almost a story of the two coming closer together while also their band comes closer together.

The book is called Ice and Lightning band.
Very original I know.

This is not a plea for you to come to view it or an obligation to do the same. It is just so that you know that while this series is continuing, there is also another book that contains the characters present in this series.

That is all, thanks for looking this far if you have. Good night, good day, good what time you currently are.

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