Halia woke up with a banging headache 3:01 her clock said she was back in her bed. "That's funny I dont remember coming in here last night. Better write it down" she climbed out of bed still in her Jean's from yesterday. "That's weird I always change out of my clothes I think I might be getting worse. She typed it into her log and went into her private bathroom. I must have woken up because I didnt shower she thought as  she typed it into her log. She took off her clothes and placed them in the hamper she was about to wash her face when she looked into the mirror and noticed blood in her hair.
Then it came to her laying on the floor after someone shoved her head into the wall being dragged up the stairs. No, no way that couldn't have happened must have been a dream. She wrote about her vivid dream.  This will make for great conversation at my next appointment. While she was in the shower she started to hear voices.
"Where is she?"
"I dont know"
"Come on I'll show you I put her in her room upstairs"
*loud Footsteps*
"She's not there I thought you said she was dead."
"Did you not check her pulse"
"No she wasn't breathing"
"Wasn't breathing" *slap sound* "what is wrong with you Debra you wanna go back to the park or something?"
"No then act right"
She listened to their dialect while she cleansed herself self, without turning off the water. She climbed out and typed this all in her log. After oiling herself she put on some clothes and peeked her head under the door to see if they were still there.
She could see them arguing in the hall and decided to record their conversation. It was about 3:20 they had ceased their discussion and went back down stairs. She sneaked out the bathroom to take a picture of them. But her flash was on lucky they were turned around she ran back into her room grabbed a jacket and turned off the light. Better lock up her mind told her she made sure she locked her room door got her papers and went out the window. As she dialed her guardian and landed safely on the ground she noticed her key in the car and Malindas bags on the porch.
She must be planning to take all her stuff(that I brought for her) and leave
I turned the car off and took my key then went to Chloe's house.
After a few rings her guardian finally answered the phone
"Hey Halia how are you?" Asked mr. Z
"Hello mr. Z I'm fine I just left my house there seems to be three intruders one two Male one female I think the female sounds like malinda burr the make called her debra she hit me again I passed out and she thought I was dead she had started the car and had her bags packed on the porch I think she was going to leave me there Mr. Z."
"Okay calm down before you hyperventilate did you log this all down? "
"Yeah I did Mr z" I say as a single reader stupid down my check and onto the sidewalk.
"Where are you headed right now? "
"I'm going to chloe's house. "
"Did you tell anyone about the log?"
"No what happens in a section starts im a session. "
"Okay good im going to come and pick you up from chloe's house stay the 3 okay"
"I haven't gotten there yet Mr z"
"Let me know when you do"
My phone starts being really loud I pull it out text from Malinda I owned it
Malinda: WHERE R U
                   I'm fine in the hospital  :Me
Malinda: Why would you leave without telling me
                                        It's my body :Me
Malinda: What hospital r u in.
             The one on south eastland :Me
Malinda: Stay there I'll come find you
I called mr. Z  as soon as I told malinda I was at the hospital
"Did you reach Chloe's yet? I'm just getting off the highway."
"I'm a block away from Chloe's Malinda's out looking for me I told her I was at the hospital by south eastland. "
"Okay tell the police that she's there I'm hanging up"
"Bye mr z"
I dialed 911
"911 what is your emergency?"
"Hello my roommate Malinda is trying to hurt me she's on her way to the hospital on south eastland Avenue  she might have two men with her"
"Where are you?"
"I'm on east Anne St. Headed to my friends house her name is Chloe my guardian mr. Z is coming to get me from there"
"Okay will you be safe there?"
"Stay on the line please"
I walked up to Chloe's house and looked into the window she was blending a smoothie
"Good morning Chloe can you open the door"
"Hello Halia and how do you do this fine morn~ Oh My God What happened to your face come in"
"Hey Chloe I'm not doing so well Malinda she"
"Did Malinda hit you again? You know I already told her she doesn't need to be in your house and she can live on dorm. Why dont you listen to me she doesnt need to be in your house. What happens if next time you get hit you land in a coma. This cannot go on any longer kick her out right now."
"Chloe" I tried to talk but she kept rambling on and on
"Mr. Z is gonna come get me from here later hes already on his way"
"Malinda is on her way to the hospital I told her I was at and I have informed the police"
"Oh my god" Chloe gasped as she hugged me I love Chloe so much she's bestfriend she's the only person besides mr.z that actually cares about me. I was fed up with Malinda always pushing me around I could still remember the first time she hit me and when I came too. She acted like she didnt know what happened to me I keep logging everything that happens and mr. Z and my therapists think she's up to something. I dont think she wants to be my friend anymore. She gets upset real easily and she doesn't even bother to talk to me anymore.
I tell chloe everything that has happened the facts only though I dont think I can tell her my opinions on the situation without getting emotional.
"Why dont you rest until mr. Z comes and later today we can get your locks changed."
She handed me a water and sat me on my couch when the phone rang
"Hello" she answered the phone
"Yes this is she" said Chloe
"Just leave it on the porch and I'll pick it up later."
"You too bye"
Chloe hung up the phone and came to sit by me
"Halia you silly goose did you order me a present" I looked at claire with a straight face and said
"No I didn't why would you ask?"
"It was you come on the jig is up I dont ever get packages this early in the morning. No normal person is up this early to deliver and besides you are the only person who knows I'm up this early"
Ding dong
"Chloe I'm telling you I did not order anything"
She gets up to answer the door and the most beautiful man is standing there with a package.
"Hello may I come in?" He asks with a smile that doesn't quite reach his eyes.

Halia (Volume 1)Where stories live. Discover now