Its Poppin

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Hello this it a reupload of chapter 18 edited version


After tossing and turning I reached over to feel a cold bedside. Debra was gone again. I had a perfect picture in my head, that Debra would start to trust me. She would let me in and tell me the truth that no else knows. I remember when we first met at the club she was in the most beautiful dress I have ever seen. I was happy as ever knowing she stopped trying to scam other people when she met me but, at the same time.
I couldn't but feel left out, maybe she was going to live her double life forever.
How did I let you go again Debra.


Now I'm standing alone in the rain logically I know I wont find her just sitting at a bar or see her through the window of some boutique.
It reminded me of a movie that me and her used to hate I took her to my theater and put on some random movie while we had sex. Wish I could take back the time I spent dragging her along and really get to know the real her I feel like instead of having a girlfriend friend she's just a thin line away from being a prostitute now this time around it's real I really like this girl but I dont want things to be the same.

       I take a break from walking and go into this random bar. I walk to a table and when I sit down I notice Debra at a table across from me with two guys. I knew she was probably cheating on me but with two guys. I'm becoming completely undone the man sitting directly in front of her had a red hat and he was holding one of her legs in his lap. The other one sitting beside her had shaggy hair and kissed her on her cheek. I left before I could get even more angry and cause a scene.


"Had my doubts but I thought we could work things out." said Brian

"Halia is not going  to come back to the house regardless.  I cant find the car keys either  I wont be able to go in and out Mr. Z has the place crawling with the feds" Malinda tried to explain to Brian.
"I Gave you all I had to get the  pin to the safe but you said you needed more time and now you can't even get into the place are you kidding me!!" Chad yelled
"As long as she doesn't find her parents we still have a chance to get the money." Said Malinda.

2 month's later

Halia P.O.V

"Are you ready?" Aims said we were at an indoor water park for part of my surprise date which was not really a surprise since it was written in the calendar.
I mean I know im forgetful but really ? Aims was a real charmer I thought in my head, but that was before he splashed water in my face. 

"Earth to Halia" Aims laughed when I splashed him back we were on a two person floaty about to go down on the longest tube slide I have ever seen. Which isn't saying alot because I have only seen two. "Let's go" I said we started off kinda slow but then we took a turn and it felt like we were going in a dang spiral motion.  I was sitting in the back so I  wrapped my legs around him and leaned back in the floaty while screaming my head off. Then we dropped in the slide and shot out into the pool I thought I was drowning till I stood up Aims was laughing at me so hard tears came out his eyes. After that we went to chill in the hot tub. Im a fool did I say chill I meant BOIL that water was so hot I felt like a pasta shell that someone had just put in a pot for some macaroni my limbs were becoming numb my pores were excessively sweating and I felt like my face was turning into the harvest pumpkin. On top of it all he said I looked cute like what? Long story short I did not enjoy the hot tub but he said it felt nice on his back and shoulders. I wonder if I should take him to the spa for a date sometime? I put everything from our date in my log while I waited for him to get dressed I wonder what could be taking him so long I find him in the locker room area playing with his hair.
"Really Aims could you come on."
"How about you help me part this here" Aims says pointing to his hair I sigh but but still go in front of him to help with his hair he holds my waist and smiles down at me I try to make his side part as straight as I can with my fingers
"Hey Aims"
"If you knew you were gonna spend so much time on your hair why didn't you bring a comb?" I say finally looking into his eyes
"Well sweetheart I  don't need such nonsense when I have a hairstylist as a girlfriend"
"You know good and well I am not a hairstylist"
"You are for me" he says and kisses me on the lips
"Ew" some kid says and walks the other way.
We burst out laughing and collect the rest if our things
"So what do you want to eat today? " I ask Aims
"Oh I actually made us reservations."
"Huh why"
"It's part of the surprise don't worry just change into something nice when we get home"
"Okay if you say so"


"Halia you know how  uncle Z has been taking care of you since your parents went missing." Aims says
"Uhhuh I'm listening." I put down my fork and lean closer till my hand was on his knee.
"Well we've, a private detective, uncle Z, and I found them."
I stared at him wide eyed for a hot second.
"Found who?" I blinked once twice then thrice.             before he replied
"Your parents, would you like to meet them?"
I take a deep breath and then go over my options there is no reason to say no
He waves over to the reception area where I see a man and a woman walk towards us I get a little nervous
"How do I look?" I ask Aims as I fix my hair
"You look glorious"

To be continued

Halia (Volume 1)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant