Who are you?

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Aims P.O.V

Even though I felt the connection between and I was ready to give my heart away. I hadn't yet spent enough time with Halia for her to fully recognize me.
So as we made new memories together everything that happened the night before started to fade. The passion that the two of us shared soon started to slip from her eyes. So after   breakfast when we fell asleep in each other's arms, I was suddenly kicked off the bed across the room. While Halia grabbed her purse ran down the hall screaming her head off.


All of it dissolves and I'm aware of my surroundings  darkness behind my eyelids the gravity pulling on my eyelids. The warmth around me. I inhale a deep breath and when I open my eyes Aims is right in front of me. I let out a sigh of relief and place a gentle kiss on his forehead. Still have the urge to pee though I got up to go to the bathroom room. When  I sat down the door just swung open. I gasped and closed my legs. "Oh sorry I just" Aims stood there with his hands over his eyes the other one looking for the door handle. "Aims you can open your eyes I cant pee with you standing there its very awkward." I giggled "so sorry" he grabbed a towel from the shelf. I finally got to finish when he closed the door. I flushed and got up from the toilet to wash my hands. I started to hum to myself when I heard knocking on the door. "Yes" Aims came in the bathroom "I just came to show you were the toothpaste was" he walked behind me and reached around to open the drawer. He dug around for a new package of toothbrushes as well. We stood there brushing our teeth together when he kissed me on my forehead. "Eew" I spit my toothpaste out in the sink as he laughed he took his shirt of to wipe it off my forehead.
So what do you want to do today?

We continue

"Let's go on a trip!" I said

**Time skip**
Aims finished packing all the stuff into the truck before we drove off. I didnt want Mr. Z to worry about my absence so I left a note on my dresser. "Where do you want to go?" Asked Aims
"Let's go somewhere fun." I smiled at him while he pulled out the driveway, the veins in his arms popped out as his eyes were on the road ahead. He bit his bottom lip while he turned to glance at me before he looked away. Did I make him nervous or is he shy? His dazzling eyes looked back on my face once more before the car moved forward and I realized that he was probably just watching the cars and my head was in the way. I grew very embarrassed so I sat all the back and drifted off to sleep.


I waited till Dimitri was asleep until I started snooping around. It proved difficult I knew he was reach but a housemaid or butler was in every frickin corner.

It was like they never slept I had to play it off like I knew exactly where I was going so they wouldn't ask if I needed help. I was starting to get really frustrated when I heard something coming from the south wing.

I carefully walked down the hall when I saw her.
"Hey I've been looking for you everywhere." I inhaled sharply at the deep voice and  giant hand on my forearm.

My heartbeat went from 89 to 145 I considered running, would this be the end after all I've sacrificed to get here. The beatings, the missions, the weird jobs, the masks all for what. At least I tried my best to survive I turned to look at my captor.

It was Dimitri
" What are you doing all the way out here come back to bed love" Dimitri said as he pulled me into his arms. Love ? I cant even recognize your voice and you call me love I pity your handsome face because when the time comes no matter how I feel about you I will chose myself over you.

Ever time I will always chose myself, but for now I will use you to make myself self feel better, and so I cling onto him because besides my brain my body craves his touch and the feeling of him holding me takes a certain weight off of my shoulders.

I couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief, not because I havent yet been discovered, or because I survived another day. I just knew I could relax in his arms until the sun rises again.

♤Dimitri P.O.V♤

I felt her shift around in my arms. She must have thought I was sleeping. I let her go and decided to follow her.

She wandered around aimlessly I saw her suddenly head in a different direction before I grabbed her arm. Bia tensed up as if she was afraid.

"Hey I've been looking for you everywhere" I said.
  She looked surprise as if she was expecting someone else.

"What are you doing all the way out here come back to bed love" I pulled her into my arms.
She sighed I didnt know if she was disappointed or relieved I know when we first met she probably just wanted money, but I swear I'll make her fall in love with me.

I dont care how long it takes. "I just wanna make you mine." I looked into her eyes before picking her up to carry her back to my room.

"AHhHhh! What are you doing? Put me down." She kept kicking her legs.

"Stop kicking before I punish you."

A/N can somebody help me I have no clue how men operate. I mean my imagination is not what it used to be but I really want to finish this book.

Also are there any boys that even read my book let me know.

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