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Hello I answered as I walked to the private bathroom.
"I told you to call me or text every thirty minutes what happened?"
Chloe screamed in my ear.
"I'm sorry I must have forgotten." I said
"What's the point of having alarms on your phone Halia, don't you also have the reminder app. "
"Yes I do" I said
"Then use it" Chloe continued to scold me over the phone as I looked around the bathroom. It was actually pretty big it was a full bathroom had a TV in the corner and a couch chair. I loved the gold and light blue decor it made it seem more fancy then it actually was, and it had a smart toilet. I was filling up the tub when I realized that Chloe was still talking.
"I'm hanging up now" I said
"Did you hear anything I just said?"
"Bye now have a great day."
I hung up the phone and undressed myself. The bath was lovely it had bubbles, different scents to choose from. To make it even better the little seating part could vibrate. I selected the vanilla scent basking in heaven.
It felt like a commercial so I acted my part just like I should after I finished scrubbing. Then I got out and the water instantly emptied down the drain. I would've gone in the shower just because but I decided to brush my teeth instead. I let the fluoride sit at least five minutes then I rinsed the excess out with mouthwash. I put on Aims clothing and went to bed. I put everything I could remember that happened today in my notes. Then shortly drifted off to sleep.


After my meeting with Jovoni I decided to go back to my place and tie off some loose ends. Then I got a call from this nice broad I had met a few month's ago. She was something different Beatrice, at first I thought she was just an escort. Beatrice when I first met her she had her eyes watching everybody. I thought I was going to have to kick her out my club she seemed real shifty. Then the drinks came 'round and the music started playing she changed into a completely different person. All eyes were on her she danced like nobody was watching and caught my eye. I had my assistant do a background check on her. Real name was Debra Janes from a broken home near a place called Moberly. She didn't  finish college made it through high school by .001 percent. A nobody from a small town in a big city like this, what else is new. I went to sit in a corner where I could keep an eye on her make sure she didn't steal anything. When the music stopped she went back to the bar where this old geezer came up behind her. I signaled for security but then I saw her slip his cards out his wallet and caught her eye. I winked at her and she made her way to me the guards looked at me and I shook my head and pointed to the geezer. She came up to me and asked if she could sit down I nodded my head and she offered to buy me a drink. We hit it off from there. Surprisingly she could keep up good conversation and her voice wasn't real high either but not low enough to make me suspicious if you know what I mean. I took her around town she didn't even try to jump me like other girls would. she just gave me her number and told me to call. Then when I dropped her at her friend's house she added me on ig and told me she had a great time with an emoji.  Not the best fish in the barrel but she kept my attention and would try to pay for things. I'm an old fashioned guy myself but she was a very stubborn broad. So I started taking her to places I owned. I guess she had dated a guy with money before me cause she wasn't surprised at all when I told her. She started taking me to her place her friend was hardly ever there. It was like dating a sorority girl all over again cause she would put her bras on the door. One time we were at a party and someone drugged her drink so I drank it instead and she dragged me back home. I thought she was gonna pick my pocket and leave me for dead.   Had me thinking I like this broad so I keep her around.
I looked down at my phone it was ringing still I picked it up and Beatrice  wailed in my ear.
"You have to help me the cops are trying to frame me for something I didn't do." she sniffled "I can't stay here with these dangerous criminals I'll never be the same you got to get me out babe." She balled her eyes out I could tell just over the phone it's not like that wasn't something I heard a million times before. She forced herself to continue crying but I didn't say anything till she stopped.
"I'll send someone to come get you."
I didn't want to waste money on getting her when I knew she probably did do the stuff she was being framed for it was most likely not the first time either since she called me first and not her other boyfriend. I sent an intern to go pick her up he was easily replaceable so I trusted him with such a simple job.
"Thanks baby"
She said she stopped crying and asked me about my day and what not I hung up the phone.
I reached my penthouse and put my phone on silent my TV was on I circled my hand to tell my men/women to go around. They came in a separate car. I opened the door with my fingerprint and ran in my firearm pointed up it was my cousin and her boyfriend. I called off my people and  shut the door.
"Why are you in my house Marie"
She looked up at me confused
"We were waiting for you." I walked over to greet her when I saw a bag of chips next to her. I jumped on the couch beside her and snatched them up.
"Still keeping up the same habits I see."
"Still copying everything I do I see" she passed me the creamy dip to have with the crisp.
"What are we watching?" I said
"On my block" her boyfriend benedetto said
"What season" I asked
"The new one." He said
"I have to say that I have never seen it"
"Dimitri" Marie said
"Yes" I answered
  " why are your shoes still on ?"
"I thought I was going to shoot you"
"take them off"
I threw them beside the door and drifted off on her shoulder

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