a conversation

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I should let you knife that I did not edit this one at all feel free to confess for me in the comment section enjoy

"Tell me some simple information about yourself" Aims said.

Well my name is Halia have dementia and I am currently working at a grocery store.

How old are you he said.

I can't remember.

What do you mean you can't remember your age.

I just don't know.

Well do you know your birthday.


Who's the lady you were talking on the phone with?

what lady?

You know earlier when we were at Chloe's house.

Chloe's house I don't know remember being at Chloe's house.

Well that's where we were before we came here.

I don't recall, the last thing I remember we were just stopping for some snacks at the gas station.

That's all you can remember?

Pretty much, this is pretty good Aims when did you learn to cook?

my mom taught me

that's interesting

do you have a mom

of course I have a mom I just don't know where she is

do you know where your dad is


are you an orphan or did you just recently forget about them

I have memories of them I just don't know where they are or how to contact them

who takes care of you

I take care of myself, I mean I do have a guardian but he's mostly just for protection purposes

who do you live with

I live with my roommate Malinda although I think she'll be moving out soon

how does working at a grocery store pay for your house

I bought the house I just have money in my account I don't really need the job at the grocery store I just have that I can help out my friend Malinda

why why are you helping her

she's just struggling with her college classes and her boyfriend he's abusive

how long have you two been friends

I think we just became friends last year or maybe the year before I don't recall

how long have you been friends with Chloe I think me and Chloe have been friends for about 5 years but I'm not sure you'll have to ask her I write down all the information that I know in my phone that way I don't forget it sometimes even if I do forget it my therapist will remind me

why do you need a therapist

I don't I don't really know my guardian just tells me to go meet with her and I meet with her

do you know her name


what's your guardian's name

I don't actually know his name I just call him mr. Z

why do you call him mr. Z

I don't remember

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