Part 11

18 4 1

I really like this song it's by Surfaces they have a more popular song called Sunday best if you have TikTok  you've probably heard it before.  This will be my background music while writing this chapter.

Also do any of you have smaller artists that you listen too? I also like Nao and many others


Halia's POV

I walked down the driveway drinking his orange juice while contemplating my life choices. No dogs came after me fortunately or any guards, is it weird that I felt slightly disappointed? Yes yes it was matter of fact I should get  out of here before someone does come after me. I walked down the driveway for 2 min before I saw mr. z s truck pull up. He jumped out and I felt the ground shake as he marched over to me. He pulled me into him 

"Are you okay?" he said as he pulled me in for a bone crushing hug 

I simply nodded my head afterall I was tired after all the adrenaline that was rushing through me suddenly wore off. He picked me up and put me in the backseat so I could lay down. 

"Would you still like to go to your appointment or shall I have it postponed."

"lets just get it over with I wanna rest for the remainder of the week."

"Oh that's too bad I was going to invite you too dinner with the family but I understand if you don't want to come."

We stopped and he turned his head to look me in the eyes, Mr. Z's warm eyes were always filled with care. Anytime I remember him he had treated me like his own which I guess hasn't been very long. Sometimes I don't even recognize his face or voice but I always feel loved by him. He never gets upset if I don't remember him or try to force all our good memories on me. Maybe its because we don't have any bad ones. 

"I will come, but first you have to tell me how many people are in your family." I said and gave him a smile

~~~~~~1 hour later~~~~~~

"So I read your journal" Mrs. Sanders my therapist says she looks me in the eye like she's trying to read my mind.  I just sat nodding my head I didn't understand why I needed to be there its not like she was helping me recollect my memories or anything she just talked. for the hour I was there that was all she did I understand keeping a journal to remember important things that happen. What I didn't understand was why I needed to be here. It doesn't make any sense there's no benefits for me at all its not like I have any mental issues. I rather do something more profitable or volunteer at the fluffy things pet shop that is all the motivation I need to get me through the week. It makes me happy it helps the critters and I don't have to spend 120$ for some person to talk at me for an hour once a week.

"Do you think Malinda should move out ?" said Mrs. Sanders

"What." I said

"Here you said she hit you again and invited guest that you didn't know without permission." She showed me my journal and I read everything that happened from the time I started working at the grocery store to about thirty minutes ago. 

"Not only is she moving out I am pressing charges this isn't the first time she has assaulted me and I have evidence." I sat there as the flashes of what she did came back to me 

"Don't you think that's a bit excessive it was a simple mistake." Mrs. Sanders looked shocked

"No a simple mistake is being in the wrong place at the wrong time or wearing a hoodie in the store and being mistaken for a criminal."

"That's so harsh her life could be ruined because of these charges do you know how employers look at assault and battery charges?"

"Do you know how employers look at employees that let violent strangers who try to kill them walk free without a complaint? They would probably be fired for not being trusted because if costumers try to steal they will let them walk free."

"You are so evil"

"I'm evil I bet you wouldn't think the same if Malinda had killed me and I would stop coming too these worthless appointments."

"You wouldn't dare."

"You know what your fired and i'm making sure no one else comes here your costumer service is terrible and you charge way to much for this not to be up to date."

Sanders didn't say a word she just sat there shocked and her mouth was hanging open.

I walked to the door
"Have a good day."

"Why did you leave so early what happened?"

"Shes fired."

"I'm sorry Halia I'll find a better place this time."

"Its alright let's go to your house so I can change."

~~~~~some time later~~~~~


"Halia come on if we don't leave in the next five minutes we're gonna be late."

I was still worried about her hanging out with my nephews  and their friends. They were trustworthy but I didn't trust them around my little girl. Jimmy, Cole, Aims, Dimitri, Bendetto and Maria have grown up together and I dont want them to treat her badly. I made a promise to her parents that I would take care of her and make her feel loved. She is the only love in my life ever since my wife left me. My children that she gave me couldn't bear it and went off. I haven't heard from them since all I have is Halia.

"Mr. Z I'm ready" Halia bounced down the stairs in her dress.

"My princesa you look gorgeous."

"Thank you Mr. Z"

"Let me brush your hair before we go" I sat her down in front of the vanity

"That's your wife's brush." She said as she looked at me through the mirror.

"Yes you remembered."

"I miss her so much."

"Me too" I looked at the brush embedded with her name. So many memories

"Let's get going" I said as I put a clip in hair

"Do you think they'll like me?"

"Who wouldn't even if they dont I have you and you have me that's all I need to get through this time of sorrow."

~~~~~47 minutes later~~~~~

"Are you ready" I asked Halia  she nodded her head in excitement

I lead her through the main door so she could see some of the property before walking to the main family area.

"Aims" I called out to him he was wearing Jean's and a button up

"Hey Uncle Z"

"Why aren't you dressed" I asked him

"Nana's not coming so I figured might as well dress down tonight."

"Halia you remember my nephew Aims"

I turned around when she didn't reply to find her staring at Dimitri and


Everyone turned to look at the two of them

"Dinner is served young masters"

🥳I'm sorry for not updating sooner I have another coming out before Sunday.

Also what's your favorite thing to do during quarantine  mines sleeping


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