Meet my sis

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Dimitri POV

Beatrice finally got dropped of at the mansion when Ben Maria and I were finding a new show to binge watch. I invited them over to meet her but they declined so I headed to the mansion by myself. When I got there she was sitting quietly in the living area.

"Are you okay Beatrice" I went to sit down next to her and she looked rough make up streaking down her face. Her hair was nappy and tangled and lipstick smudged. She didn't look me in the eye but she just clung on to me. I could feel her steady heartbeat as she told me

"I didn't do anything babe."
I knew she was lying I've known from the very first day all that she had done but in that moment it could've been so easy to believe her. Even though she did all those things I forgived her. I just hoped whomever she crossed this time could do the same.

I rested my chin on her head it smelled like sweat and dirt. I wondered when was the last time she washed it.

"Come on and go shower I'll have clothes brought up to you."BLM

"Will you join me?"

"No I have something to take care of."

I called the police station to finish her bail but she still had to show up to court.

"Hey babe can you help me wash my hair."

She yelled at the top of her lungs I hung up and walked to the bathroom when I heard my sister Maria call for me.

What is she doing here I thought

"Mitri we couldn't find anything else so we decided to join you guys for dinner I hope you having gotten to ahead of yourselves."

"No that's fine I'll be down in five."

I went to get her a dress and some parfums from the closet. I wanted her to impress my sister hopefully she will be on her best behavior.

Malinda POV

After I got off the phone with Dimitri I called Chad to tell him where I was he seemed pleased and displeased at the same time

Some guy came to pick me up a few minutes later he drove me to a ginormous home where these two girls showed me inside

It was covered in gold everywhere and the floor was shiny as well.

I sat on the couch and waited on Dimitri to show up.  Someone came to me and asked me if I wanted to change but I decided to stay in this clothes. That way when he comes I'll look more pitiful.

He came to get me a few hours later. When I was thinking over my next steps in the shower I heard his voice.
He came in wash my hair with all these different products. Two maybe three all I know is that my hair was better than it had ever been.

He dressed me in this beautiful dress with silver and gold he brushed my hair and put clips and such in it. I felt good being served like this.

We went down the stairs to have dinner with his family. I met a handsome man Bendetto he was hanging around some girl. I think her name was Mia

I went to bed with Dimitri he started talking about stuff. I just tuned him out and pretended to be shaked up about being in the police station. I slowly drifted off on him and I close my eyes while my head laid on his chest.

Halia (Volume 1)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt