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Hello I know it has been a while did you miss me ...

NO okay anyways I am working on a new book as well as a new chapter for you guys 

I know what your thinking

where in the world have you been plucky I should beat your a*s 

or maybe not you probably forgot what this book is even about 

either way I know some of you probably stay up till five in the morning either on here or tiktok maybe even watching anime I know some of you ladies be watching k-pop crack compilations on Youtube don't even lie so just check out my new book it aint gonna hurt 

its free

Everest Miller

"Good morning hun."

I slowly blinked open my eyes to find my mom in my room.
"Can you get out."
"I'm sorry just putting these clothes up."
"What would you like for breakfast today Evey."
"What do you mean just get out of my room."
"I'll just make you some cereal then." She said as she backed out
Oh my god shes so annoying
I looked at my phone 7:36
I jumped out of bed and put on my Jean shorts and light blue button up polo that my mom took out the night before

I slicked back my hair to the side of my head
Then slid into my flex advantages from sketchers or as I like to call them flexors

"Honey if you dont eat soon you'll be late for school."

"I know I've been going to school my whole life I'm pretty sure I know the schedule okay."

"Okay hon just letting you know."

I ran down the stairs and gobbled down my chocolate toast cereal.

"Mother where did you put my backpack."

《Skip to the car ride》

"Hopped in my Nissan rogue to wildwood prep
Its gonna be great again
Bestfriends Robert John and Nick
Were getting practice in
Go Tigers"
I rapped on my way to school

I was just about to hit up my bro john when some blackgirl passes by with my friend Nick's girlfriend it was like in slow motion

All I could say was wow.


□ Lana □

I felt the sun rays dance on my skin as the soft beat from lofi's samurai mix played on my alarm clock I slowly blinked my eyes open and took my first breath of the day
As I gave thanks to the creator for another day I thought about the people I would see later that day and things I would go through just asking for guidance starting my daily routine I brushed my teeth and washed my face then got to work on my 3b-3c hair

Today I decided to go for a yellow theme
I pulled out my outfit and got  stuck on my shoes choice
Should I go with yellow Af1s or yellow converse maybe even the Van's but that would be to much yellow
After what felt like forever I just decided to change the pants I customized these by adding little lemons on the front where logos should be


Time to go I guess I walked downtown to Ophelias penthouse where we would go to school together.

I remember the first time we met it was my first time going downtown by myself I had walked into a little cafe where I bumped into her the rest is history

"Ophelia." I called out as the elevator doors opened

"Good morning Lana Ophelia is still dressing would you like a smoothie while you wait?'' Their butler Anyai said

"Sure" I sat in the bay window seat while I waited for Ophelia to get ready

~skip to arrival at school~

"Did I tell you the big news?" Ophelia said
"No what's the stitch?"
"Nick finally asked me to be his girlfriend." She squealed
"Haven't you two been dating for two months now?"
"11 weeks but who's counting he finally popped the question."
"What happened?"
"Well he said he was going to  make reservations for us and me being me I was like what date number is this?"
"No you didn't"
"Yes i did then he said who's counting your already mine. Then I was like your what? And he said you'll be my girl friend won't you"
"Its about time" I said finally when I heard someone say wow behind us

That's my little excerpt for you all

That's my little excerpt for you all

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If you did I will post it as soon as its finished
Might even do a q&a I don't know yet.


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