
    Malinda's P.O.V

After me Brian and Chad finished talking downstairs I called the wench to see where she was only to find out she had gone to the hospital way across town. She would find another way to make my life difficult

"Shes at the hospital where uncle Joe works." I told the guys
"Why would she go all the way there when there's a hospital a couple of blocks from here?" Said Brian
"Let's just go dude I need more cash and Debra you better not screw things up again." Chad pushed me on the floor when he said that
"I won't." I promised little did he know I was just waiting for them to give me my fair share so I could go with my boyfriend. 
   He was actually rich and didn't need any money from other people.  He didn't chase money, money chased him. I grabbed my jacket fixed my makeup and went to the driveway.
"Owww!" I tripped over some bags who would~ I looked closer at the bags to see that they were mine.  That idiot I know I told her to put these bags away.
   She's so useless I can't stand her.  Someone could have stolen   my bags. I put the bags in the house and get in the car but the keys are gone.
"Brian did you take my keys!?" I yelled
"No ask Chad"
"Chad" I looked around for him everywhere then went back in the house
"Chad" I called out to him I ran back up the stairs and saw Chad in her room.
"Chad what are you doing in here?" I asked him he was looking through her  stuff and messing with something on her dresser.
"What did she keep in here?" Said Chad.
"Dont know dont care did you take my keys." I replied
Chad turned to looked at me and his anger showed across his face

"I told you not to talk to me like that debra I'll drag you back down to the park dont think. Just because you moved in a bigger house you get to be in charge. I'm still the leader of this operation. Do you think that Halia is going to come looking for you if you go missing.
    She doesnt even know your real name. I'm the only one who knows you Debra. Dont start thinking you have leverage over me because you dont. Where is the key to this box?"
Chad slammed me up against the wall
"I will take you on right here stop getting tough with me.  You're a ridiculous little pawn in my game never forget that." He whispered into my ear and punched me in the stomach as I slid down the wall he stood over me
"Go outside and wait for me in the truck."
I scrambled over to the hallway trying not to cry I went back to the bathroom to fix my makeup again and put on more lipstick.

"Did he have your keys?" Said Brian as I climbed in the truck
"No need to be rude you need to get laid so you can stop being so cranky all the time."
I looked at Brian in the front seat ad he was playing some game on his phone
"Well are you gonna do it."
He licked his lips and said "that can be  arranged."
"Come on let's go." Said Chad as he got in the truck
     I put my seatbelts on when he started to drive Chad and me had some good times together but this job has been going on so long it's starting to stress him out.  Hes obsessed with that girl Halia he wants to know everything about her.  At first it was just so we could get the money; but then after I told her my web of lies she started giving me money.  Then instead of just  robbing her like we would usually do Chad and Brian decided that I should move in with her to continue getting the cash flow.          
     I would've just took her car and house but then the boss explained to me we would not get anymore money. I have tried to figure out where the money was coming from so we could just get it before the money got to her but she doesn't remember. All she knows is that money is wired to her account which she doesn't know the number too. Ive tried stealing her cards but the numbers are all gone and I can't get the pin without being too obvious. I listened to her bank calls tried to get her social security number.
   Nothing had worked she gave me a card to use but it has a 300 dollar limit and I can only use it once a month.  What can I buy with 300 dollars nothing that's what. The only thing useful I get from her is the fake college tuition she still believes I'm actually a student.
     I remember once after she walked home from work we had a big argument because she thought maybe I wad taking a test but was home enjoying my time with my boyfriend lucky he was sleeping when she came or he would have thought my real name was Malinda and not Beatrice. I still remember everything she said

Halia (Volume 1)Where stories live. Discover now