[Old] Chapter 3

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Since Kei has nothing to do with his life while he is staying in the human world he enrolls himself in the same school as Hikaru. He also asked Hikaru‟s father to let him stay in there house for a while and he promise that he will not be a bother. Mr. Yaotome is kind enough to accept a stranger to his house despite of their condition. Kei stays on Hikaru‟s room where he is the one sleeping on the bed while Hikaru the owner of the room needs to sleep in the floor.

"Are you sure about entering my academy?" Hikaru asked Kei as they walk together going to school.

"What do you think about me moron?" Kei asked him.

"It‟s not what I mean... but yo...you are a wizard right? Maybe our lessons are different from you."

Kei smirk "Don‟t worry about me... I‟m smart enough for you to be trouble about myself."

Its been 4 days since Kei start staying at his house and Hikaru thought that Kei is quiet arrogant and so rude. Despite of his angelic face he has his sides that make you hate him. In house he only did reading things and ones Hikaru comes back he asked him to do this and that. He even tries to force Hikaru to make his wish already so that he can go back already to his world. Speaking of wishes, Hikaru didn‟t make even just one wish. Its not like he don‟t believe on this things but it is because he needs to do the first physical contact that they have before his wish there‟s no way he can kiss Kei out of the blue besides he can sense that something is weird with Kei. Every time he went nearer to him Kei is running away, a single touch will make him react so much.

Today is the first day of Kei in class and as he and Hikaru enters the classroom all eyes are set upon them. He is the guy that everyone is waiting to come back, the one who makes a big ruckus on Hikaru‟s class. Kei is shocked when everyone suddenly approach him and asking him so many things. Hikaru tries to get out of the crowd and go to his seat just watching how they make a fuss around the wizard.

Class started and Kei is been introduce in the class. He is asked to sit down in the last chair near the window side. After the introduction class resumes. There lesson is all about computations of long equations which is very hard for everyone and because of that the teacher need to repeat it over again so that the student can solve even one singe equation which is like that. The teacher calls students who can write the right answer but after 5 students is been called including HIkaru no one answered it right.

"Are you really studying your lessons?" the teacher asked and then he looks at everyone again to call for the next person who will answer it. "Let us try the newbie." The teacher said and then everyone looks at Kei who is not paying attention to them but looking at outside the window.

Kei went straight to the blackboard and then he look at the writings on it. After seconds of looking at it he start writing already and everyone is amaze how continuously solving the equation. Hikaru is also watching him amaze on how great the wizard is. Kei finished his solving and even the teacher is dumbfounded as he saw that the answer is right. Kei put down the chalk and go back to his chair and space out again. Hikaru looks at Kei and then he looks back in front again.

The ring bells and then everyone approach Kei again, amaze on how he compute that foreign equations but Kei‟s doesn‟t feel good about it. He hates being in crowd coz there is possibilities of him being touch and he don‟t want it. Hikaru put his things on his bag and then look at Kei who actually he can‟t see because of the crowd around Kei‟s chair. Hikaru didn‟t bother to call Kei anymore and he went straight to the library coz its still early to go to his part time job.

Hikaru went to the library and then he looks for books that he will going to read when all of a sudden his phone ring and it is a call coming from Kei.

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