[Old] Chapter 4

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3 days has passed since what happened and Hikaru is really working hard to earn that money that they need. He wakes up early in the morning and then goes home late but despite of heavy works Hikaru didn‟t forget about his studies and he can still cope up with the lessons that they have. Kei is just always watching his back thinking what Hikaru will do next. He feels that Hikaru is a stupid moron... he is already there, waiting for his wish to make it come true but Hikaru didn‟t care. Why do Hikaru needs to suffer more than to use the wish to end this hardship.

In the 3rd day of the week, Kei follows Hikaru on his way to his part time jobs. He is curious what does Hikaru do on his part time jobs. Hikaru went straight to the construction area and change his working clothes and then he start pushing carts and delivering stones in the other side.

Kei has no idea what does Hikaru is doing but he thinks that the work is tough. Though it is cold, Hikaru is sweating so much. Kei feel a little bit soft about Hikaru doing his best and he wants to help him but he doesn‟t know how. He can‟t do part time jobs coz he has no idea what can he do in the human world without using any magic. Magic is his life and he is still amaze how he can still manage to live using magic ones in a day.

In 2 days in a row, Kei helps Hikaru secretly using his magic he let all the things that Hikaru holds as light as possible so that he will not a hard time to deliver it to the other side of the construction. Hikaru wonders why a big stone suddenly weight like cotton but when his other companion holds it, it will turns back to its original weight.

Kei feels happy about helping Hikaru and he feels that it is the first time that he feels a pure happiness. Helping someone is not a bad thing he thought. In the academy, he is always alone, he do this things alone, he don‟t want other‟s help coz it is will just make things complicated. Kei believes on his self so much and because of that he do things on his own and he leaves on his own world on his own.

He thought that helping Hikaru like that is not yet enough. He is living together with Hikaru‟s family and because he has a human body now he needs to eat, use water, use electricity as well. He is getting lots of help with his family but he is not doing anything to pay for their kindness.

On his way go back home, he saw a sign from a nearby restaurant.

"Pianist needed."

While looking at it a guy wearing a formal clothes saw Kei looking at it. he is taller than Kei and have a long hair.

"Good day I am Yuya Takaki. Are you interested to be our pianist?" he asked.


Hikaru is wandering why weird things happened while he is working in the construction area. There is no way that a stone could be as light as cotton but everytime he touch something it will become lighter and that helps him a lot coz it makes his job easier. He has idea on his mind who is doing it but he is not sure if it is really him. When it is break, he is always looking around searching if Kei is there and watching him but he can‟t find him anywhere. He also asks other workers if they saw a pretty guy wandering around but no one saw him.

This few days Hikaru don‟t have a time to talk to Kei normally as he wakes up early in the morning Kei is sleeping and as he went back home Kei is sleeping already. In school they have a chance to talk but a little because Hikaru needs to use his break time to study.

One night, Hikaru came back home and he went straight to his room. He put his bag on the table and then he saw Kei sleeping with a book besides him and even didn‟t putting a blanket to cover his body.

Hikaru take a look at the book and it is all about piano piece and what surprised him is that Kei‟s beautiful hand has wounds on it. Hikaru wonders what is Kei doing these whole days when he is not around. Hikaru covers Kei with a blanket and then he looks at Kei for a while watching him sleeping.

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