[Old] Chapter 9

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"You know that I hate water right? So why are we here?" Kei asked Hikaru who is smiling in front of him.

Kei and Hikaru is given their prize in the underground seawater park coz they win the competition and now they went there to have there date as a couple.

"Its free so don‟t complain about it... besides I am here you don‟t need to be afraid." Hikaru answered him.

Kei and Hikaru enter the place of the water tunnel where they can see different types of sea creatures. It is Hikaru‟s first time to enter the park and he is amaze how beautiful underwater is. Kei who is afraid of water found it beautiful as well. The fishes have different kinds and different colors and physical looks. They just realize that they know less about the world below the ocean.

Some of the visitors of the park are couples as well. Holding hands while walking and even kissing in public that is what Hikaru and Kei notice. It feels so different that now they are together when before they are just nothing but strangers to each other. Hikaru as a human and Kei as a wizard.

They know it is wrong and someday they will get separated and have their own life but they decide to be happy even ones in their life and that happiness can be get if they are together. The feelings of being love and loving back is sometimes what makes an individual complete. The two make a contract with each other one week... in one week they will stay as couple and they will do everything that they want and then after that one week Hikaru needs to say his last wish. They accepted already that they can‟t stay longer together and because of that they decided to make memories, happy memories together.

Kei approach a tank with lots of small fishes, he is attracted to it because of their beautiful color. "Wow... this is good."

"Ahmm you like that?" Hikaru asked him.

"You don‟t? They are so colorful and it‟s beautiful."

"You don‟t just look like a girl but you act like a girl too... I wonder if you are really a guy. I feel like you are cross dressing." Hikaru answered him back.

Kei glares at him "Well sorry Hikaru, I am a guy."

"I know." Hikaru smiled back. "Coz if not... I will not love you like this. I want who you really are and I am not sure if I will like If you are someone else."

[Completed] My Last WishWhere stories live. Discover now