[Old] Chapter 7

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"Kei... wake up already. We will going to be late." Hikaru said as he folded his blanket and keep it below the bed. Kei is peacefully sleeping that time. "Wizard, wake up."

Kei opens his eyes and then he saw Hikaru looking at him and he is surprised and he suddenly get away of the bed going straight to the comfort room. Hikaru is surprised with the sudden reaction that kei just did. He doesn‟t know how to interpret that? is he mad again because of the kiss?

Kei went inside the comfort room and then he locks it immediately. He lean his back on the wall feeling dizzy with the sudden action that he did. He is not feeling well and everything is because of the second wish.

Wizards can do everything but they are not perfect too like humans are. Curing wounds, illness and bringing someone dead to live are the magic that is not polish by wizards. If they need to do those stuffs they need to sacrifice something and that sacrifice must concern with their own body because they are the one who perform the magic and that is what happening to Kei for using that power and now he needs to suffer. Kei sacrifice his 3 days, that he will suffer the most vulnerable pain as a compensation of the magic that he did to Kyle, to save his life and of course Kei has no intention to tell it to Hikaru and so he tries to hide it from him.

Kei and Hikaru went to school together but on their way Kei is feeling dizzy already but he didn‟t let Hikaru notice it. as they arrive Kei went straight to his chair and rest, he is already sweating so much even they always walk that long way before.

"Kei, are you really alright?" Hikaru asked him.

Kei glares at him "Of course I am." He answered.

"But you look so pale this morning and... you don‟t seem alright." Hikaru said worriedly. Kei blushes. He feels that Hikaru is so worried about him that time but then he ignore that feeling and just make big lies again. In this 3 whole days he only wants him to suffer the pain, he will not let Hikaru knows about it no matter what.


Hikaru feels that something is weird with Kei this whole day, he talks to him a little and he doesn‟t barge on things like he usually do. He is just silent in one corner looking pale and like he is not in his own self. Hikaru feels worried and he feels pain inside of him, if Kei has a problem why not he opens up to him. Hikaru thought that Kei already trust him but on what he is doing its like he make a mistake. If Kei trust him then he will things to him right? No secrets besides he is Kei‟s master. Thinking about it, one last wish and their relationship will end already. Kei needs to go back to his world and Hikaru will forget about him and he feels sad thinking that way.

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