'Meeting' the dragon prince.

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We ran through the dark tunnels, trying to catch up with the two guys.

"Ugh, you're making this worse!" I screamed angrily at the two.

"Worse how?" I could faintly hear a response. I rolled my eyes, and, as they turned a corner, lost the sight of the two.

Me and Rayla came to a stop at a place where the path split into two different paths.

"Ugh, what no-" I started, but Rayla interrupted me "shh!"

We listened carefully, and suddenly Rayla started to run to one of the directions.

"This way, (Y/N)!" She said as she ran.

She sure is something, huh?

I snapped out of my thoughts, and started to run after Rayla.

We heard some stones moving, Rayla looked back at me in confusion. And again we both came to a stop, but this time it was a dead end.

"Where did they go?" Rayla said, looking around irritated.

I was looking around as well, and then I looked at the ground, and saw a big circle, and a pattern, that looks like a staircase.

"Hey, Rayla, I think I found them." I said and Rayla followed my eyes and saw the circle as well. "But how do we get in?" I asked.

"Oh, I think this is it!" Rayla said, and started to press some rock combination on the wall. When she finished, the staircase started to go down in what looks like a basement of sorts.

"Heh, good job!" I smiled at her, and she smiled back "now let's get those sons of asses!" I said with a serious face and we both went down the staircase.

When we both got to the end of the stairs, we saw them both, they looked very confused, and a little scared.

"H-how did you get down here?" The boy, that I'm starting to assume is Ezran, said with confusion in his voice.

"Easy, I just pressed every stone with the jelly handprints" Rayla said, rolling her eyes.

Ezran then facepalms himself, just leaving a jelly handprint on his forehead.

As we were stepping closer to the boys, I looked around the room, on the walls they had a lot of animal skulls, and on the shelves there were a lot of stuff taken, no, STOLEN from the animal kingdom.

I felt rage build up in me. I quickly took out my blades, and made a sharp move towards Callums neck, just stoping inches away from it. "Times up, asshole!"

Callum gulped, trying to get some words out of his mouth. "H-hey, W-why are you doing this? W-why can't w-we just live in peace? C-can't you spare us?" He said, being really nervous, trying to stall the time.

I was about to say something to him, but Instead I heard Raylas voice from behind me.

"There's nothing in humans worth sparing" she said coldly. Damn, she can be scary sometimes, I was not expecting this from her, it cought me off guard.

I turned around to face her, she was looking at the skulls on the walls, but then she took her blades out and looked at the prince. "We only need you, Ezran, your buddy here doesn't even need to die." She said whilst walking towards the prince.

"You'll have to go through me first!" Collum jumped in front of Ezran, as of shielding him.

"The more the merrier, huh?" I said grinning.

"Can you all stop for a moment? You have to see this!" The little boy said.

"We ain't falling for another one of your frog triks!" I said, now looking at him.

A Change Of Heart (Rayla x Moonshadow Elf!Fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now