Angry, angry monster

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We were traveling for a while now, climbing mountains, jumping over small ravines, also almost slipping and dying, all that fun stuff.

The sun has already started to set. Ellis and Ava stopped, walking closer to the edge of the cliff "it's so beautiful, it's like the sky was painted with honey!" She exclaimed.

"Wow" Ezran said, full with amazement.

The view was indeed stunning.

"Too bad this means, that the nightmares are about to begin" she added, too calmly.

"What do you mean?" Rayla asked

"Oh, you know, enormous monsters, indescribable terrors, stuff like that" Ellis said.

"Stuff like that, huh?" Callum asked.

"Yeah" Ellis reassured "and the higher we go, the worse it'll get"

"Well that sounds fun" I said sarcastically "well, let's go then!"

"Wait! We need a plan first" Callum said.

"How do we plan for indescribable terrors? I feel like you need to be able to describe them first" Ezran said and looked at Ellis.

"Uhh... horrifying, blood-curdlimg, creepy, but in a super extreme way, that it feels like it's lighting your soul on fire"

"Huh, sounds welcoming" I said and crossed my arms infront of me.

"Wait, wait, wait, I've got it!" Callum exclaimed "Flash! Woof! Swoosh! Double Slish-slash!" He said, reinacting each word with a silly action.

There was a moment of silence untill Ellis exclaimed "Awesome!" Then she turned to me and Rayla "is he ok?"

"No" i simply answered.

"I think he's finally cracked under the pressure" Rayla whispered back to Ellis.

"No, that's the plan! Ezran" Callum says and points to Ezran "you have the first job, you hold bait in the air so he can flash, blinding whatever monster it is. Flash!"

"Wait, but then I'm not really doing any work" Ezran said with a disappointed tone.

"You're support, it's important to have support" Callum said to Ezran "Ellis, you're next, you and Ava will run around the monster barking, confusing him! Woof!"

"Hmm, I don't know, Ava, can you run around in circles and bark alot?" Ellis asked and Ava let out an affirmative bark.

"Then it's me, I will use my windbreath spell. Woosh!" Callum continued.

Ellis gasped "you're going to cast a spell?"

"Well, it's just a simple rune thing I picked up. No big deal" he responded.

"Yeah, he's going to blow on the Monster, ruffle it's feathers real good!" Rayla joked. I let out a stiffled laugh.

"Well, it's that, or the half of the lightning spell that I know" he said.

"Wait, lightning spell?" I asked confused "you never told us about no lightning spell"

"Well, you both were gone off to somewhere, and I just decided, you know, to try it" he said.

"Alright, but you said half of the lightning spell, right?" Rayla asked "why only half?"

"Well, I know how to start it, but the most important bit, I don't know how to actually shoot it out from my fingertips" Callum said.

"'s that possible" i asked.

"Well, I learned how to start it from a friend of mine when I saw her using it, she was about to attack, when I interrupted her, and she just called me a fool for that, and I never learned the second half"

A Change Of Heart (Rayla x Moonshadow Elf!Fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now