Siding with the enemy

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Before Runnan could notice both of the boys, they managed to hide behind some big crates.

Runnan looked at us carefully and then turned towards Rayla.

"And may I know why are you here?" He asked with some anger in his voice.

"I can expla-" Rayla started but I knew we don't have enough time for this, so I cut her off.

"We found the dragon prince, he's alive" I simply said.

"W-what?! That can't be" he said, clearly not believing us.

"But it's true, humans stole it, so they could use it for dark magic, but it's still alive, we can still save it, and stop this madness!" Rayla said as confident as she can.

"You are a lier and a disappointment" Runnan said, and then looked at me "And (Y/N), I really trusted you with this, I guess I can't do that anymore" he turned his head away from me.

I suddenly realized what was I doing, I was basically siding with my enemies here. I felt something change inside, thinking about my father's disappointed face when he found out, that I sided with humans, and didn't go through with the mission.

"They are not lying!" Callum came out of his hiding spot with the egg in his hands, and Ezran right behind him.

"it's- it's beautiful" He said

"We can't attack, we are here because we thought that they destroyed it! But it's alive, there can be peace!" Rayla said, still trying to convince Runnan.

Runnan took out his bow and arrows.
"Oh, Rayla, you know that's not how it works. They still killed the king of dragons, they will pay for this!" He started to aim at Callum with his bow, then he shot, but Callum dodged it.

"Go! Get the egg to a safe place!" Rayla yelled at the two boys, who did as instructed.

This whole time I've been standing in one place, I haven't even moved an inch. I felt my grip on the blades tighten.

"(Y/N)! Help me with this, please!" Rayla yelled at me.

"Runnan is right, Rayla" I said, and she just looked at me with concern.

"What are you talking about? We can get the egg back to it's mom, and everything will be fine!" She said whilst dodging Runnans arrows.

"We are here for one thing, killing our targets, and that's what we're going to do, and in the process, we're getting that egg" I calmly said, I turned into my shadow form, and started to run after the prince. I was not going to let anyone down.

"(Y/N), no!!" I heard Raylas screams behind me

I was running as fast as I possibly could, I found myself in the castles courtyard. I slowed my pace, now walking slowly, but with my blades out, ready to attack, looking around carefully. I was about to leave, but then I heard some rustling coming out from a wagon of hay.

I slowly started to approach it, then something started to glow inside the hay, I instantly knew that they were in there.

I used my sword to take some hay away, and underneath I saw Ezran holding his toad and the egg right next to him. I guess he understood that I'm not here to really help him, he took his frog thing, closed his eyes shut, and yelled "Bait, do your thing!" Then, a bright light started to shine, blinding the shit out of me.

This time it was a direct hit, so I stumbled a few steps back, dropped my swords, and dropped down on my knees and started to rub my eyes.

"Aaagh, Fuck, not again!" I yelled, trying to open my eyes, and get them adjusted for the dark night.

As I looked up I saw a familiar figure right in front of me. When my eyes adjusted a little bit more, I could make out that the figure standing in front is none other, than Rayla herself, aaaand she's pointing her blade at me.

"Why are you doing this, (Y/N)?" She asked, now angry at me.

I looked around, saw that my swords were just in a reach distance away.

"You know, I could ask you the same thing!" I moved quickly, and picked up both of my blades, and got into a fighting stance. "You are the one who betrayed us!" I said, trying to be as intimidating as I possibly can.

"That's not true, I am doing this so we can all live in peace, so we can stop these fights!" She sent a strike in my way, I easily dodged it.

It feels so weird fighting with her now, it feels wrong, I know I haven't been on the best of terms with her, but I was never that angry, that I wanted to attack her.

"You know, I hoped that you were better than this!" She continued, and tried to hit me one more time, I dodged it. "I hoped that finally there's someone else that understands me!" She sent another attack my way, this time I was way too distracted by all of the things she said, and all of the thoughts that were going through my head, that she managed to throw both of my blades on the ground, and I myself fell on the ground with a grunt.

"Ugh, just...shut up!" I closed my eyes shut, and clenched my fists. "You know nothing! They all expect something from me, my dad, Runnan, and every single elf that I know!...... I'm not going to disappoint them.." I sat up, and looked up at Rayla, she had worry and sympathy in her eyes. She put the blades down, and looked at the ground.

"Listen, you are not the only one" she said with a sad face, but then her face quickly changed into a determent one
"You can come with us, and help us get the egg to it's mother, please, we can stop this in another way"

I was actually thinking about helping them, joining the enemy, but were they really that bad?

Rayla put her blades away fully now, and offered her hand to me with a soft look in her eyes. Fuck, how can I resist that face. I looked at her, and then at her hand, then at the ground.

"Ugh, fine, I will go with you, but don't expect me to be a big team player!" I said with a serious, and a little angry face, I wanted to let her know, that I am not 100% sure of this yet. I took her hand and stood up, she smiled at me, I was looking at her, and didn't notice that I was starting to smile a little bit too.

We were still holding hands, and looking at each other, but then we heard a scream, we both quickly let go of each others hands, I felt my face heat up a tad bit, but I just shrug it off, and quickly got my swords off the ground.

"Callum is up there!" Ezran said, pointing at one of the towers, we could hear faint armor clashing coming from the tower.

"I'm going to get him, you both stay here!" I said and turned to go, but then I felt someone grabbing my arm.

"I'll go with you" Rayla said with a serious face.

"No, stay, and protect the egg.....and the boy as well, I guess" I said. And as I turned to go I heard a "hey!" Behind my back coming from Ezran.

I got my determent face back on, and it was go time again, now I had a new mission, get the egg to it's mother in one peace.

Let's just hope, that this new mission isn't going to be such a failure...


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