Chapter 3

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You gawk at all the stuff in Kaminari's room. You sit on his bed and sigh. You stretch your back out and here the cracking of your spine. It feels nice and you crack your knuckles. You stand up and open the door. Standing there is Bakugo. He grabs you're arm and pulls you out of the room. He takes you to the kitchen and tells you stay there, you do so. You wait there until he comes back. You apply more lip gloss. He comes back and he tells you to put on your shoes. After that he grabs your arm again and leads you outside. He takes you down a road, still holding your arm. His hand is warm against your skin and you look at him. He's red. You laugh inside and walk with him. The road starts to look familiar. But he stops at what you're guessing is his house. He brings you inside and you both take off your shoes. He leads you up to his room. You go sit on his bed as he closes the door behind him. He walks up to you and places his hand on your shoulder.

"Why'd ya bring me here?"

"I need to ask you a favor."

"You're a jerk to literally every one." You state

"I'm sorry about what I did the other day." He apologized

"I'm not going to forgive you that easily."

"Just do me this favor."

"What's the magic word?" You hummed

"Please...?" He whispers

"I didn't quite hear you, hedgehog."

"Please, help me out here!" He yelled in frustration

"Alright, fine."

Even though you don't know him that well you still see him as a jerk and nothing else to it. He asks you to help him learn how to treat a girl nicely and how to kiss her, and in return buy you an energy drink every day and give it to you at the beginning of class. You agree and shake hands with him.

The next day you go sit down at your usual seat. You're the first one there. A few minutes later Bakugo walks in and goes over to you. He places the can in front of you. You look up at him and he uses what you taught him the night before, which surprised you. He kissed your forehead and complimented your eyes. He walks away, red and embarrassed. You laugh at this and open the can. You chug it and destroy the can.

A few hours later it's the end of the day and you walk to Bakugo's. You knock on the door, and his mom opens it.
"Hi, you must be Bakugo's mom. I'm Soshi Kaede. I'm Bakugo's friend from school."

" Well hi Soshi! Come in! Katsuki isn't home yet but you can wait for him until he gets here!"

You step inside and take off you shoes. She takes you to his room and tells you where the bathroom is. You nod and look around his room. You go sit at his desk and open your bag. You pull out a note book and start your homework. You rest your chin in your hand and copy the math problems onto the lined paper. You look out the window and see only sky. You go back to doing your homework and tap your foot to the beat of your writing. In his room you see a drum set and electric guitar. Your eyes light up in excitement. You hope it's ok that you borrow his instruments for a second. You gently take the electric guitar off the wall. It's shiny surface reflects your face back at you. You strum it. It's out of tune. "Does he even play this?" You think
You tune it with your perfect pitch. You strum it and your impressed with your self. You start picking (f/s) and start singing along to it. You tap your foot and listen to the notes closely. You were so involved with the guitar that you didn't noticed Bakugo at the doorway, eye twitching,watching you play his guitar. You look up at him and stop playing. You sigh and walk over to the wall where it was originally. You place it carefully and look at it, admiring the colors. You look at Bakugo set his bag on the ground. He walks over to you.
"Why were you playing that?!" He said loudly
"Saw it. And decided to play it. It's that simple."
He looks at you, irritated, but decides not to yell at you. You go back to his desk and continue your homework.

"Oi. Yellow."

You don't respond, making him call you by your real name.

"Oi, Soshi!" He says a bit louder

You smile to your self and turn around. You rest your chin on the back of the chair. He looks at you, blushing. Which makes you think, 'aw look a little baby!' You laugh at your inner comment and make eye contact with him. You smile at him and make your self blush. He looks at you, desiring something.

(Bakugo POV)
She sits in my desk chair with her chin resting on the back. She's really pretty and I can't help but blush. Her smile makes her even more pretty. Her teeth perfectly straight with a fangs replacing her top canines. She has fluffy ears on top of her head and a big tail behind her. Her muscles add another aspect to her. I admit it. I'm attracted to her. I sigh and look away from her my face hot. She tilts her head and started to turn back around. I call her name and she stops. I tell her to come to me. She gets up and walks elegantly towards me.
"Do you wanna start, teaching me I mean?"

"Sure." She says plainly

She pins me onto the bed and leans close to my face.

"Now. In my opinion, you would be the female and I would be the male in this situation."

I nod.

"Now you want to tease her or taunt her with a small kiss on the lips. Make her want to kiss you more."

She does this and for some reason my body tries to kiss her back. She pulls away before I can do this.

"You taunt her by leaving her face. Lean back in and do this..."

She leans into my neck and starts to kiss it. She kisses my jawline down to my collarbone. I turn red as it sends signals up to my head, giving me chills. She pulls away.

"I know you're learning something." She says "Also you can't just yell at the girl or she won't like you. Stay quiet, or show your sweet side and give compliments. Not half-assed ones like,' you're pretty'. Go more in detail, like comment on their curves, the shine of their eyes or the way she tastes to you.

"How do you know all this?" I ask

"Are you stupid?"

"Oi! I-"

"Don't get too loud, Katsuki..." she whispers in my ear

"Don't call me by my first name." I say through gritted teeth

"You sure are stubborn." She says leaning closer to me.
She's an inch away from my face.

"See how I taunt you, I make you wait until the fire heats up." She whispers "You also shouldn't talk much during your this, it's just action."
She knows everything.

(Your POV)

You watch as Bakugo gets more and more flustered. You explain how he should hold a girl, and how to make her fall more for him. You have no red on your cheeks while explaining these things to him. He is so red you almost feel bad for making him so flustered. But you laugh at this and look him in the eyes.

"Bakugo... I love how you can let me kiss you." You say as an example
He takes this as an actual compliment and blushes. You roll your eyes and go over to his desk to pack your backpack. You sling it over your shoulders and flip you hair of your back. The black strands get in your face and you tuck some hair behind your left ear. He sees all the piercings in your ear. He walks up to you and touches your ear. This takes you by surprise, and you wonder if he taught this to himself. But no, he touched your ear admiring all the piercings. You open your mouth to show the silver ball that held and formed the piercing.

"Where did you get these done?" He asked

"I did them myself." You reply

His eyes widen and your satisfied with his reaction.
"One more thing. Before you or the girl leaves, kiss her on the forehead or cheek as a sweet goodbye, like this."

You kiss his cheek and put your hand on his waist to show him how to do it.
"You bring her hips to you and make the kiss genuine."
Then you walk out the door.

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