Chapter 10

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It was so late at night I'm surprised Bakugo wanted to come ever, especially with so many people here. But a knock at the door brings me out of my deep thought. I get up off the couch and go to open he door. I see Bakugo standing there.


"I'm cold, let me in." he said bluntly

He pushes past me.

"Katsuki, are you mad at me?"

He didn't answer me.

"Are you mad at me?" I ask again

He grabs my wrist and leads me to my room. He shuts the door behind me.

"Katsuki...what did I do?"

"You didn't do anything."

"Then why are you so angry?"


"What about Shoto-kun?"

"Why? Why did he kiss your cheek?"

I sigh.

"So that's why you're mad?"

"I'm not just mad..."


"I'm scared."


"I'm scared he's gonna take you away from me."

My eyes widen at the words he spoke. It was so unlike Katsuki to speak his mind like this. His back was facing me.

"I'm scared I'm not going to be able to have you to myself."

I walk over to him and hug him from behind. I kiss the back of his neck.

"Don't be scared."

He went quiet again. Then I feel his breath skip. Is he crying? Then his hands go up to his face, wiping tears.

"Come here." I grab his hand and lead him to my bed

I lay down and bring him on top of me. I rest his head in my shoulder and his arms immediately wrap around me. I stroke his head and caress his cheek. He sobbed into my neck.

"It's okay to be scared... but I'm not gonna leave you."

He kissed my neck. I look down to him, he still has salty tears running down his cheeks. I wipe them away with my thumb. He tried to speak, but he was choked back by more tears.

"Shh, It's okay, just let it out, okay?"

I brush his hair with my fingers and I can feel him start to calm down.

"I love you, Keade."


"Do you love me too?"

"I do...I do love you."

He kissed my neck again. He's cute when he's in his feelings. I grab his face with my hands and make him look at me.

"Are you okay now?"


"Aw, you still sad?"

He nods. I kiss his face all over, avoiding his lips. I kiss his cheeks, his forehead, his chin, his jaw, his nose, and his eyes.

"Do you feel better?"

He nods slightly. And looks away from me.

"I don't want you to see me so weak."

"You aren't weak. You're strong and stable. But it's okay to let out your emotion."

"Please don't leave me."

(BakugoxOC) Teach me!Where stories live. Discover now