Chapter 5

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(Still Bakugo's POV)

I looked out the window as the sun began to set. I sigh, knowing the fact that she doesn't have the same feelings towards me. Oh how I wanted to kiss her moments ago. But, if she finds someone, other than me, I'll make sure to change her mind.

(Soshi Pov)

You walk to Bakugo's house by yourself since Mitsuki isn't letting him out. You knock on the door, and Bakugo appears. He lets you in and offers you some ramen. You open your mouth to receive a mouth full of noodles, which you get but... in a different way. He stuffs a few noodles in his mouth and suddenly pulls you to him. He forces the noodles into your mouth and pulls away. You look at him in shock as he smirks at you. Well you didn't teach him that. But you guess he does this because he's Bakugo. You chew on the spicy noodles and notice him blushing. You ask for some more and he feeds you, this time with chopsticks. You find he likes things quite spicy, and you enjoy the food he made.
"You like spicy?" He asks
"It's okay." You reply
"What do you mean, it's okay?!"
"I'm sayin, it wasn't spicy enough."
He sweatdrops. You smirk at him, knowing you scared him. He laughs and grabs you're wrist pulling you to his room, eager to start the lesson. He locks the door behind you. He pins you on the door and looks into your magenta orbs.
"Teach me how to kiss." He says bluntly
You look at him and smirk. You push him off you and pin him to his bed. He blushes furiously.
"You're probably a top. So you would pin the girl like this."

You look into his scarlet eyes and he blushes.

"If you want her, you should do this." you say while putting your hand up his shirt and on his ribs.

You use your hand to support your weight and he has his elbows supporting his.

"You try to adjust to your personality to make this move your own."

"Let me try." he says.

"Yeah, sure." you reply.

You switch positions and he's on top of you. You feel your face warm up as his hand moves up your side. His hands are big and warm. He looks a you for help, you roll your eyes and lead his hand to your inner thigh. You know this would go with his personality and place your hand on the back of his head.

"I want to know how to kiss."he says in his deep voice.

"Yeah, okay."

You bring his head down and put a two inch gap between you. He leans in and kisses you. You pull away.

"Okay, I'm gonna do something, but you have to follow my lead." You say

He nods and kisses you again. You open your mouth a bit and he follows. You put your tongue in his mouth and you use your hand to close his jaw lightly. You kiss him, teaching him how to take dominance. You bring him closer and press into him, but meaning it. He just takes this as another lesson. You realize that you like the sweet side of Bakugo when he asks for favors and invites you over. You like his soft ash-blond hair, his deep voice, his smell, his scarlet irises, and well...everything about him was amazing to you.


A few weeks later you walk into the classroom earlier than everyone and you go over to your desk. You sit down and rest your head on the desk. A few moments later you see Todoroki. Not realizing that he's looking for you.


You're startled at his voice. He walks over to you and sits in the desk in front of you. He faces you and he seems soft instead of cold.

"Soshi, have you ever encountered the League Of Villains outside of school?"

"Uh yeah. Why?"

"Because you have so many quirks."

You sigh. And tell him you can't say anything about it, only that it was a gift. Before you can say anything else to Todoroki you hear Bakugo yelling at him to get away from you. He looks back at you and says thank you. You smile back in reply and turn your attention to Bakugo. He comes storming over to you.

"Why were you talking to Icy-Hot, huh?"

"I can choose who I want to talk to."

"Whatever." he says

You look him in his crimson eyes and frown. He looks back at you.

"I'm sorry, I don't control you, and I know that."

You blush at this rare apology and smile.

Lately Bakugo hasn't been inviting you over. You start to think he asked a girl out and he's lost interest in you. You feel somewhat sad, but also proud. You walk down the lonely street and notice that you and Bakugo live on the same street. You shrug it off and head home. You see Todoroki at your doorstep.

"Oh, hey Todoroki!' you wave

"Hello, Soshi." He replies

"Come inside I'll make some cold soba."

His eyes light up and he goes soft. We walk in and no one's home. Todoroki follows you into the kitchen and watches you struggle cutting the vegetables. He comes behind you and holds the hand you're cutting with. He guides your hand as you cut, and you can feel the temperature difference as his body is on yours. He then stops and pulls you away from the counter. You're surprised and yet, you want it to happen. You don't really have feelings for Todoroki, but the way he acts reminds you of Dabi. He turns you around and has his face close to yours. You automatically lean up to kiss him. He kisses you back and forces his tongue in your mouth. You grab his arm for balance and let him take dominance. You both just want someone at the moment. He is sick of his father and you miss kissing Bakugo. You pull him to the sofa and force him down. He pulls you onto his lap and you press onto his lips and he holds your waist. You run your fingers through his hair and he kisses your neck. You pause. He looks up at you.

"Todoroki, do you have any brothers?" you ask

"I have-... had two."

"What are their names?"

"Natsuo and Touya."

Your eyes widen. That's why you feel the same.

( I'm soooooo, sorry. This chapter was SHORT. Jeez. I didn't mean for it to be so short, but it all unravels in the next one, I promise! Tokyo, out!)

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