Anywhere Else - Yuki Sohma

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Anywhere Else - Yuki Sohma

Warning: angst and possible triggers!!!

Yuki x GN!Reader

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He wasn't used to this kind of treatment. Not from members outside of house Sohma, anyway. And even then, it was really only Akito who would glare like this. The cold look you gave him earlier, the scoff, this entire situation had gotten completely out of hand. And for once, he couldn't just give the person standing in front of him a charming smile and have everything back to normal. Actually, it might have been his smile that had gotten him into this mess in the first place...

"I told you not to get involved," your voice was soft but unnecessarily harsh, which annoyed him the tiniest bit, but he couldn't really blame you. He'd followed you home even after your warning, deliberately ignoring the distasteful look on your face and the fact that you had started speed-walking in an attempt to get away from him. You were fast, but he was faster. And he just...couldn't ignore the bruises that littered your arm-

"Yes, well I-"


He jumped a bit, eyes quickly moving from the now shattered plate to your clearly inebriated father. He was in no mood, but when was he ever?

"The fuck is this boy doing in my house, (Name)?"

You seemed to freeze in place as soon as your name left is mouth, eyes glued to the floor, fingers digging into the flesh of your thigh. You started to tremble as you fought back tears. Sohma wasn't supposed to find out about one was.

"Answer me, dammit!?"

You flinched harder that time, your mouth drying out completely. Your father took a step closer, but Yuki didn't budge. And all you could do was tremble behind him.

"Get out," your father was taller, bigger than the boy that stood between you but his face held no fear.

"That's fine, I'll leave. But not without (Last name)," his words were icy, calm yet cold. No one ever stood up to your father like this. Not your mother, not your brothers, no one.

"Like Hell-"

"We're leaving, (Last name)."

He suddenly grabbed your wrist, maneuvering you away from your father's reach as you started collecting your bags from the front door. There was a bit of a struggle from what you could hear but when you looked back it was your father who was on the defensive, not a single scratch on 'The Prince'. Securing your bags and tossing them over his right shoulder, Yuki grabbed ahold of your wrist once more before pulling you along with him, out of the house you once considered your 'Home'. It was a solid 5 minutes before he slowed his pace and you calmed your buzzing nerves completely. Looking at his back, you could still make out some leftover tension. Many of your fellow students, both girls and guys, thought of him as a prince but you had refused to treat him like anything more than an ordinary guy. You always respected him but never romanticized any of his actions or treated him like he was some precious thing to be protected. From what he could tell, he was just another boy in your class as far as you were concerned. He really liked that. He really liked you. Not that he'd admit it at the moment, now wasn't exactly the best time.

"Hey, Sohma...," he slowed his pace even more at your voice, his grey eyes looking back at yours as he did so. He only just notice he'd been holding your wrist for about 6 minutes now but strangely didn't make any attempts to let go,"Sorry, but...where are we going?"

He blinked back at you for a second with a sort of fierce determination you'd never seen before.

"I'm...not actually sure. But," he blushed a rosy pink color before facing forward again ,"anywhere is better than that place."

You couldn't help the small chuckle that bubbled up from your throat. Who would have thought 'The Prince' could be so damn awkward? But then again, this side of him? Way more charming than the boy at school, you decided. And far cooler, too. 

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