Hatsuharu - Relationship Headcanons

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My Sohmas are terribly touch-hungry so, spoiler, this takes place after the curse is lifted!
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• Haru isn't all that smart...

• In fact, he might even go as far to say he's actually pretty stupid

• That's mostly definitely not true like, at all, but having a cutie like yourself reassure him of that certainly didn't hurt

• Is a true sucker for your praise, both Light Haru and Dark Haru

• When given praise, Light Haru is gonna give you a sweet, slightly bashful smile while Dark Haru is gonna give you a shit-eating grin and a wink

• Light Haru is a bit of an airhead, so don't be surprised if you guys are going for a nice stroll in the park one day and end up in a foreign neighborhood like...5 blocks away

• He'll apologize and squeeze your hand for good measure, but you know he means well

• Besides, it could be fun trying to find your way back!

• As far as the actual relationship goes, it's filled with near constant physical contact in the form of mostly handholding and being held by him

• He loves to hold you in general but his favorite way is having you in-between his legs with your back against his chest and his arms secured around your waist

• If he's really comfortable, he'll drop his chin to your shoulder while you're in that position 

• He's probably gonna start fading in and out of consciousness, but don't worry his snores are pretty light

• Speaking of sleeping, he really really wants to nap with you, have you draped across his body in some way or another with his arms thrown around you

• If you're too shy to do it at first or if you're not feeling like being touched, he'll totally respect your boundaries but...

• He gets a little pouty

• Many of the Sohmas are touch starved, so it's understandable that he would want the opportunity to snuggle

• Hardly ever loses his temper around you, you have this naturally calming way about you that keeps him from turning into Dark Haru


• If someone's flirting with you even after he so kindly tells them to back off it won't be pretty

• In steps Dark Haru, throwing an arm around your waist and pulling you into his chest without much regard as to who's watching

• "Listen buddy, I already told ya (Name)'s spoken for, so back the fuck off will ya? Unless you want your ass kicked that badly,"

• He's dead serious. You're his and only his and the fact that this guy won't piss off is seriously irking him

• But if you're adamant about him not beating the guy to a pulp, he'll let the guy off with a not-so-friendly warning

• He doesn't wanna make you upset in any way, ever

Spoiler Alert, he's not exactly a virgin, so some of his innocent touches will turn...naughty

Please let him know if that makes you uncomfortable at all, that's the last thing he wants

• He won't do it if you don't want it, he's very respectful

• Boy is also in a constant state of needing kisses, so once you're comfortable enough with kissing him without getting too embarrassed or flustered, he'll want one like every two minutes

• Oh he knows he's not gonna get one every couple minutes, but you can't blame a guy for trying

Can and will kiss you for hours if allowed, 0 shame about it too

• He says "I love you" fairly early on in the relationship too, hopefully that doesn't scare you off

• He means it though

• Haru feels all of his emotions incredibly intensely, there was not a single doubt in his mind when he said it to you that evening

• You don't have to say it back right away, just as long as you say it back eventually

• He'll wait for it no questions asked

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