Kureno - Relationship Headcanons

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Kureno - Relationship Headcanon

Full disclosure, if you guys didn't know, he's so freaking sweet.

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• Kureno Sohma is someone who's both kind and selfless, a blind optimist

• And I mean he's like that to an extreme- a fault even

• It's both his biggest strength and his most biggest weakness

• For example, if having all his freedoms taken away would help ease someone's pain or save their life, he'd do it without a second thought with little to no regard for his own life or happiness

• Just an incredibly selfless guy and a wonderful person

• To know him is truly to love him

• He's a little bit of an airhead, but always wants what's best for others no matter who they are, so of course he'll love you unconditionally no matter what

• He's also got little to no street sense and very little knowledge on society and how it works, courtesy of Akito, so dating him is gonna come with somewhat cheerful confusion on his part but he's always ready to learn more and I'm positive you'll be more than happy to help teach him

• He's very level headed and not prone to anger at all, so arguments and discrepancies will probably never even be a factor in a relationship with him- provided Akito is not involved

• But that's the thing, he's not very opinionated and doesn't voice his own concerns about things at all and will more often than not go along with anything if it's what makes you happy so you'll have to ask him how he really feels about something quite a bit

• Will gladly sacrifice his own happiness for yours you should probably prepare yourself for that

• You'll be able to see it in his expressions and eyes though, so no need to worry too much

• He loves to learn about new things and will probably take little notes here and there, please dont mind him

• Incredibly empathetic and his compassion? Rivaled only by Tohru herself- when you're happy, he's smiling ear to ear and when you're crying, he's more than likely on the verge of tears himself no matter how small the problem or silly the reason- he's just that type of guy

• Always hugs you with both arms in a full-on embrace and will do so for how ever long you want

• Typically always asks for permission to kiss you, but if he's feeling particularly overwhelmed with love, he may have a hard time holding back

• And it doesn't matter how many times he's hugged you close or kissed your temple, every single time is filled to the brim with love and appreciate for you

• He gets fairly flustered when teased but he definitely still enjoys it

• He tries not to get jealous or be sad especially when there are people in the world worse off than he is, but he's only human so it does happen, but you're always a great comfort to him

• Feels emotions pretty intensely all around, he just has a pretty good handle on the negative ones, or rather enough of a handle to shrug them off so he can focus on you

• You'll probably lecture him a little for that, saying something like "You need to take better care of yourself" or "You matter too" and he'll apologize but smile and respond with a simple "Yes, you're right. I'll try my best." and he does

• Incredibly forgiving and it's almost as if it's impossible for him to hold grudges because even if you hurt him, physically or emotionally, he'll still forgive you

• But please don't use that as an excuse to use him as a footstool

• Has a habit of curling up around you and snuggling into you when you sleep together too

• Will do all the cooking and cleaning with no complaints as well, but he'd honestly prefer it if you guys did things like that together

• Fun fact, he doesn't like wearing white because he believes it's a color that draws attention and he prefers to stay out of the center of attention

• Well, unless that attention is yours, of course

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