Hatori - Relationship Headcanons

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Fun fact for those who haven't put it together, Hatori is assigned the Dragon at birth, but he instead transforms into a seahorse which is actually closely related to the seadragon!

Okae shut up and write Ci-

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• An actual workaholic, he throws himself into his work as a physician and keeps himself busy by taking care of not only Akito but most if not all of the Sohmas as well

• This man is damn near all work and no play

• Always very serious

• A real "no nonsense" kind of guy

• Buuuut, if Kanna has taught us anything, it's that Hatori is in fact very attracted to nonsensical people

• Just something about either how silly you are or how silly you can potentially be that makes this man weak

• He'll try to pretend he's immune to it for a little while, just to see where your intentions lie, if your motives are pure

• After all, he's had an awful experience with love and relationships in the past. Instead of seeing anyone else get hurt, he'd rather save you both the time and the pain

• But give him some credit, he's trying to save you both some potential heartache

• It'll take a little while to chip away at the wall of ice around his heart, but your warm personality actually melts away at it alot faster than you probably realize

• Every small gesture of kindness you show him softens him little by little

• Everytime you bring him coffee, every little conversation, every smile you gift him starts to make his heart beat just a little faster than normal

• You may or may not take notice but his soft sighs and complaints will start to become less and less frequent until one day they're replaced with small, almost shy smiles that he tries to hide

• If you give him enough time he'll ask you out for tea or coffee and out to lunch and dinner, but feel free to ask him yourself! It'll be hard for him to turn you down at this point

• Hatori is a creature of habit and whether he realizes it or not, he's made it a habit of his to take you out to lunch and make regular coffee house visits

• It's not until Shigure points out that these meet ups are "Pretty much dates" that Hatori realizes just how attatched he's grown to you

• Asks you out officially on your next 'coffee date'

• A true gentleman, he always picks up the tab for your dates be they coffee, dinner, or a movie

• You might start to feel some type of way because of it but he'll assure you that he really enjoys paying for you and he honestly does

• Makes him feel like you guys are a an "actual couple", bless his heart-

• He's definitely not into public declarations of love, but he tends to grab your hand or arm and squeeze it a bit when you guys are out walking

• Also has a habit absentmindedly throwing an arm around you or caressing your skin with his fingertips while he's working

• When he's finished  with what ever grueling task it is that kept him so occupied, he likes nothing more but to lean into you, his head either on your lap, chest, or shoulder and your fingers combing gently through his hair

• Honestly these loving and peaceful moments are what keeps him going

• He asks you to move in with him very soon after his guard completely falls away around you

• Truly can't stand to be away from you much longer

• He gets a little shy once you guys are officially living together though, it's so cute

• Always tries to help around the house when he can. Cooking and cleaning aren't his strongest suits but he's far from being the worst at it so it works. Besides, he refuses to have you do everything by yourself

• Routine kisses!

• His kisses are always just a little shy but always sprinkled with passion

• Kisses you as you wake up, before you both head off to work, and as soon as he gets home every single day without fail

• If he has to work late, which is more often than not, he'll take a quick shower, slip on his robe, and crawl into bed with your probably already sleeping form

• Believe it or not, he's a snugglebug in his sleep. Kind of just moves as close as humanly possible to your warmth in his unconscious state

• Goes from sleeping on his side of the mattress at night to being pressed into  your side or back by dawn

• It's quite possibly the most endearing thing about him

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