Yuki - Relationship Headcanons

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A few general relationship headcanons for leh rat

Spoiler Alert! This is probablyyyy after the curse is lifted...?
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• Yuki Sohma

• Also known as Prince Yuki Sohma by crazy ass fangirls

• So, everyone loves Yuki because he's so kind and approachable

• He's just this suave, handsome prince who says and does everything right, correct?

• Wrong. Very very wrong

• See, Yuki has admitted that he only acts like the sweet princely type because he wants people to like him

• Like many of us, and unlike Kyo, he's  afraid to be himself for fear of rejection

• The harsh words and treatment from Akito are deeply engraved into this boy's very being

• However, if you manage to convince him that you're not as judgemental as most, and he manages to convince himself that he's actually worthy of your love, then there's definitely hope for the already budding romance!

• Just remember, overly romanticizing someone can lead to misconceptions!

• Contrary to what most people seem believe, Yuki is actually very shy and pretty reserved

• It's hard to get him to open up to people, as it is with most Sohmas

• But he craves affection, he wants to be held, he's just too shy to ask for something like that

• Especially when he doesn't think he deserves to be held or loved

• Reassure him. Squeeze his hand. Give him kisses to his fingertips while looking him in his eyes-

• Every single one of those gentle touches not only break down the walls he's built around his heart, but they also make his heart flutter uncontrollably

• He'll probably look away shyly, a light pink blush on his cheeks, but he'll try to return the favor

• Just try not to push him, this relationship thing is new for him and it needs to be built around reassurance and patience. He doesn't believe in falling too hard too fast. A firm believer in "Good things come to those who wait"

• However, if you give him a surprise kiss on the cheek watching him turn into blushing mess is truly a sight to behold

• It's not everyday he loses his composure like that

• Will definitely tell you to "Please warn me next time..." with the most flattering shade of pink on his face

• Very cute

• In time though he'll start to get used to affection and he may even start to push for more and more physical contact

• A little bashfully, but he managed to tell you exactly what he wanted- to be held- it's definitely progress

• He can also be pretty selfish too believe it or not

• If you're spending large amounts of time with other Sohma boys, or sometimes even just other boys in general, he'll get this hot feeling in his chest

• He realizes you're not his property and that you'd never intentionally hurt him but just watching how well you get along with the others, especially Kyo, just...sours his entire mood

• If it gets to an unbearable level he'll probably excuse himself from the room, and you won't be far behind, grabbing at his twitching hand

• It's something that he has to work on but he'll get the hang of it eventually

• Your best response? Shower him in wordless affection once you guys are alone!

• He'll grab you with a little more force than usual, but never enough to hurt, and start trailing soft and shaky kisses from the tips of your fingers and stop at your wrist with a determined look in his eyes

• That was the very first time Yuki said "I love you"

• Though, to be fair, he's been wanting to say it for a while now but wasn't quite sure how he wanted to go about it or even if you felt the same...

• If your words didn't reassure him, that passionate kiss surely did

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