Kyo - How Do I Even Respond?

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I have a not-so-strict 'No Kyo x Reader Fluff' Policy, but this is a special request for a special person, so I'll do what I can without compromising myself-


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Title:: How Do I Even Respond?

Scenario:: Kyo meets a girl who's just a little weird

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• He had no idea how he'd gotten into this mess
• No wait...he remembered now
• It was that damn Shigure
"Kyo, be a good samaritan and run to the store for me, would you? We're all out of pork cutlets and-"
"Well, why do I gotta do it? Make that damn rat go!"
"Yes well, Yuki had to stay late for a student council meeting, so-"
"Then go get it yourself you lazy mutt!"
Shigure feigned a shocked expression ,"Words hurt, you know."
"Oh, grow up," Kyo turned away from the supposedly grown man before attempting to stalk off to his room again
"I guess our princess Tohru will just have go without a source of protein for tonight," he posed dramatically as Kyo came to a halt ,"Ohh, the poor dear!!! Subjected to such torture from-"
"Alright already, geez. I'm goin'...but not for her!!!"
• And with that, he slammed the door and rushed over to town
• The sky was pretty clear when he'd left, only a few scattered clouds here and there
• But by the time he'd made his way through the checkout line, a heavy shower had come overhead
• "That's just great," he sighed, annoyed ,"Guess the stupid forecast was wrong today..,"
• Just his luck, too
• Suddenly catching sight of a (hair color) girl, he turned to see she was already looking up at him
• Most people would either try to look away or would apologize immediately after being caught staring, but you? You smiled at him
• Unfortunately, he was already in a pretty sour mood
• "What? You got something to say to me?" he mentally cursed at himself. His voice wasn't as loud as he intended it to be and he was already starting to feel pretty sluggish 
• God, he hated the rain
• "Hmm well now that you mention it, I think I do have something to say. You're pretty cute."
• He visibly tensed at that. Where the Hell did that come from?
• "Wha- Huh?! What's your deal, girly?!?" he stated rather than asked
• You snorted, then broke into a fit of bubbly giggles
• "My 'deal'? What, aren't I allowed to compliment you?"
• His cheeks paint themselves a flattering shade cherry red and his body tensed even more as he turned away abruptly, clearly embarrassed
• "No, you're not! It... it's weird!"
• You try and fail to stiffel your chuckling
"Quit laughing at me!"
• You raise your hands in defense when he turns to glare at you
• "Sorry! I meant no harm, honest! You're just-," you pause to retrieve your umbrella from your bag, positioning your groceries so that they were all in your right hand and giving him one last toothy grin ,"-seriously the cutest boy I think I've ever met."
• As if his face couldn't get any redder ,"Wha-"
• "Plus, teasing you is pretty fun," you winked before stepping out from under the awning and heading in the opposite direction
"Well, enjoy the rest of your day!" you called over your shoulder
• Kyo could only stand there with his mouth hanging open, running his hand through his locks after a few moments of staring at your retreating back
• He let out a frustrated groan
• "Seriously, what was with her...?"
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I have a theory and it is this: Kyo Sohma is fun to tease.

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