Hatsuharu Flirting Headcanons

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Alrightyyyyy here are your Haru Headcanons
...I'm dying to write for Momiji and Kyo at this point no cap-

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• Let me start by saying we're dealing with a boy who has...well virtually no shame about anything

• So seeing a cutie like yourself may make his heart squeeze a bit, but he's no punk so approaching you is no problem

• He's sort of a natural flirt who doesn't realize he's actually flirting (effin same)

• Which, in turn, make him really good at laying on the charm when he's actually trying

• If he's still Light Haru, the manner of his flirting is alot more innocent and dorky, but really sweet

"Oh, um...your shoes are untied. Here, let me," you give him a questioning look and raise your brow.

"Haru...why in the world are you tying my shoes for me?"

"Well," as he finishes the knot he looks up at you with a soft smile from his spot on the ground ,"I just don't want you falling for anyone else, so..."

• Such a sweet dork this one

• Actually really likes to use pick-up lines

• Even if they don't actually land, just getting you to blush and smile makes him pretty happy

• Although, if he's somehow transformed into Dark Haru, the pick-up lines become alot less cute and alot more perverted

• Also genuinely doesn't care who's around to hear it

"Ya know babe, there are alot of fish in the sea but you're the only one I wanna stuff and mount over my fireplace," he says, complete with a smirk and wink...like you're not in a crowded ice cream parlor...with children around...

"Haru, please!"

• He'll stop saying them all loud and proud in public if you have a problem with it-

• Will instead whisper it against the shell of your ear

• If he gets any sort of reaction from you, which he will, it's a definite win for him

• Makes it his mission to make you blush

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