Lost, but not Forgotten (part 2)

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I think about you every day, I miss you every day.

I love you, but I'll let go of you now.

I love you, but I'll erase you now.

I am very thankful to you, please be happy.

* the translation from Korean to English is done by me.


Hoseok didn't know that on that day he would meet one of the most important people in his live. 

But he and Yoongi got close, very fast. It happened quite easily - they bonded over music and Yoongi didn't have any friends, Hoseok had ditched his, so whenever they had free time, the two of them stuck together.

Hoseok could tell that Yoongi was still a bit cautious around him at first, but then he started acting more freely, more like his true self - he could talk about music for hours and Hoseok could listen for hours, Yoongi could also nag for hours, especially when it came to food or once again music or when Hoseok was stupid enough to catch a flu, he had no fault, really, it was the weather and its constant changes, but Yoongi told him that he should've been more careful and then listed tons of tips on how to get better faster.

Hoseok would be lying if he said he didn't feel attracted to Yoongi right from the start. He was fine with being friends, he really was and he didn't approach Yoongi with any underlying motives. But then one day, it just slipped past Hoseok's lips: the fact that he was gay and Yoongi didn't really react in any way, he was neither disturbed nor thrilled by that, he just continued treating his new friend as before.

Hoseok was both glad for that and not really, at a certain point he realized that ever since Day 1, he had a thing for Yoongi. Hoseok was not the type of person who believed in love at first sight, but maybe it did exist and for a while that love managed to go undercover, to present itself as a friendship.

And it was risky, Hoseok knew it was, but on Yoongi's 23rd birthday, he asked him out, properly, seriously, there was no room for jokes and maybe that's why Yoongi seemed so reluctant and hesitant - he had made a friend for the first time in years and he didn't want to lose that, but he was also willing to give it a chance, to let it develop into something more.

Hoseok was confident, he was positive that he would be able to make Yoongi happy and he did. They had a shaky start, simply because both of them were afraid to go too far, too soon, the transition from friends to lovers wasn't that easy, but loving Yoongi, was.

Maybe it was because they were quite young back then, foolish too perhaps or maybe they were driven by the excitement of something new or that fact that Hoseok couldn't live without physical contact was the main reason, whatever it was and despite Yoongi's words during their first meeting - Yoongi did end up sucking Hoseok's dick, many, many times. 

They acted like some horny teenagers who were experiencing first love - hiding in empty halls, kissing, making out even, holding hands in public, because yeah, Yoongi gave zero fucks about all the looks that action earned and the sex, they honestly had too much of it, it was borderline unhealthy, but thankfully, they got busy with projects and final exams in June, so the craze died down a little.

Hoseok had had a few partners before and he did like them, but it wasn't the same as with Yoongi. With him... it was love, without a single doubt, at least on Hoseok's part. Because, yes, they were happy, Hoseok knew that he was making Yoongi happy, you couldn't fake something like that, not to that extent and yet, Hoseok wasn't entirely sure if Yoongi loved him back just as much.

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