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You want to experience like other ordinary people,so you ask you parents and they pass it.You wearing like ordinary girl,wearing nice cute (F/C) dress.With some ribbon at collar.

You even wearing headscarf with top of it ribbon.You also wearing cute boots.You walking from your house to go city all alone.You really happy,and you might be not in your zone.Everyone look at you with blushing face.Yup you have charms make people look at you like you are angel or something.

"Hello,little miss wanna hangout with us??"

Some rotten guys asking you.You doesn't know how to answer it.

"Sorry....but,I have someone waiting for me"

"Who cares,come on join us and leave whoever is....look we have money so how?"

You even more scare now,this is first time you get out from house without any guard.

"No....I can't leave them....they are precious to me.."

"Come on girl!"

They impatient they pull your hands you weak.

"Okay enough!"

Someone said he wearing purple shirt with blue ties.He wear crimson pants.He also have silver spiky hair with two violet eyes.

"Who are you bastard!?"

"I'm the one that she waiting for,so hand off her or"

All sudden three police came,you immediately run to that man who rescue you.

"Umm,thank you for saving me...let me treat you"

"No thanks miss,how about I'll accompany"

You have heard that..

"Are you that guy who-"

"Yup but call me Jack...that's my real name"

You nod.You two have much fun.

King Spade

He come again,you can handle him right after he flirt to you and make you blush a lot.You asking another employees to accompany him.

Then your employee crying to you.

"Manager,he doesn't want any of us he want you...he even make us scare"

You sigh and nod,you serve him the earl tea grey and shortcake.He smirk amd you.While you try to avoid it.

"You doesn't like hmm~ my lady"

"Sir,you even make my employee cried for your action..."

You leave,he smirk.

"You make me want you more my lady~"

Akai Tsubasa/Phoenix

His eyes slowly open,which make you glad.You wearing a maiden shrine outfit since you back from temple.(let stay that just for this book).

"You awake,I'm glad"

You smile to this guys.He wake up and look at you.

"You saving me..?"

"Not really,I saw you lying at middle paddy mom was make the medicines for you"

He look down.

"I see...thank you"

"My pleasure,you must be hungry let me cook something to you"

He nods,you make porridge for him.

"Here a porridge I don't know if tasty"

He take some and his eyes sparkling in joy.He eat until finish.

"It was delicious thank you"

"Your seem not to be here are a city people?"

He shook his head.

"Well I was traveling the world...but I don't mind being here for awhile.I should take care of myself too"

You smile.

"Please make yourself at home,and here some clothes.You need a bath"

Heard the water he become stone.

"Don't worry it's warm bath"

"M-maybe I should"

He doesn't want too...he take a bath,his face really blue and take off from bath really early.

"I'm sorry that's the only male clothes I have"

He wearing some chocolate shirt with beige pants.

"No it's fine,is my clothes you wash it?"

"Yup,I laundry it...maybe you can wear it later"

He nods.He then take a look to you,wearing such a nice outfit make you look cute on him.

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