chapter nine- I want to stay with the Cullens

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They turn to human Jacob knock on the door. Jasper open the door. Jacob- give me Bella back. Jasper- come in. Jacob went inside. Jacob- Bella I miss you baby let's go home babe. Edward- she is going with you she told me everything what you did to her.

Jacob- you did the some to her too. Alice- that was different. Bella- Jake I think you should go please go. Jacob- baby please come with me let's go home I am sorry I was a jerk and I promise I will change everyone is waiting for you and you were right when you are part of the pack you go with them because you are family and when the pack goes somewhere you go with them.

Jacob- I love you baby girl. Jacob- what do you say come with me. Bella- no Jake I want to stay here with Edward for a while now I will go back with you but for right now I want to stay here. Bella I will video call you later babe.

Jacob- I trust you but I can't trust him.  Bella- trust me okay. Jacob- okay baby girl. Jacob is mad Jacob looks at Edward and Edward look at Jacob. Jacob-  if you touch my girlfriend or kiss her I will kill you.  Jacob left. Jacob went outside. Seth- where is Bella at? Jacob- she is staying with the Cullens for a while Seth- we can't leave her here she is family. Jacob- I know but she wants to stay with Cullens so she will stay with them for a while.

Jacob turns to a wolf he is running Sam- let's go they turn to a wolf they are running. Jacob is howling. Sam- he wants to be alone. They turn to human they went inside the house. Jacob went to the house he turn to a human he went inside the house.

Jacob went to the room Edward- I miss you so much Bella- Edward I love Jacob I don't love you anymore. Rosalie- why are you here you smell like dog. Bella- look Rosalie I am going to stay here for a while so get over it. Emmett- don't talk to my like that! Bella- you are not the boss of me.

Alice- Bella you need to calm down. Bella- are you serious right now you are just told me to calm down. Edward grabs Bella he took her to his room Bella-  let go of me Edward let go her. Edward- I think you should stay here because you have changed you are not the same anymore. Bella- okay I will stay here.

Bella- I want to call Jacob. Edward left. Bella is video calling Jacob and Jacob answer the phone. Bella- I miss you so much baby. Jacob- I miss you too baby girl. Bella- I don't think I can't away from you I love you so much I want to go home with you.

Jacob- I love you so much come home baby girl. Bella- I was going fight them. Jacob- who? Bella- I was going to fight Alice and Rosalie and I yelled at Emmett. Jacob- wow baby girl. Bella- I will see you soon. They hang up the phone. Bella got outside Edward- where are you going Bella- I am going with Jacob I can't stay here anymore I did to go I can't stay from Jake to long. Edward- I am not going to let you go with them I finally got you back I don't want to lose you again.

Bella- you already did lose me we are not together anymore Edward you need to move on it's time for you to move on. Edward- I don't want to move on because I am still in love with you! Bella- Edward I am not in love with you I am in love with Jacob it's always going to be Jacob! Edward- sorry Bella. Edward got Bella. Edward got Bella Edward took Bella to the room. 

Edward- you are not going anywhere you going to stay here for a while like you said were. Bella- they will come for me because I am their family! Bella- I am not part of your family I hate you. Edward- call Jacob tell him you are going to stay here. Bella- I told him I was on my way he will come from me. Edward- tell him that you change your mind that you want to stay here for a while. Bella- okay.

Bella is calling Jacob and Jacob answer the phone. Jacob- hey baby you are almost home Bella- no I change my mind I want want to stay here for a while. Jacob- no baby girl I stay away from you please come home. Edward hang up the phone. Bella- why did you hang up the phone I never hang up the phone on him. Edward- I don't care.

Jasper- why is Bella here? Edward- she is going to stay here for a while. Alice- well if Bella going to stay here for a while she will change her clothes. Bella- I am not going to change my clothes because I smell like Jacob. Alice- yes you are if you are staying here for a while. Bella- I thought you were my friend! Alice- I was your friend when you were dating Edward but you break up with him I am not friend since you are dating that dog!

Bella is mad. Bella- he is not a dog he is my boyfriend! Bella hit Alice and Alice hit Bella back they are fighting. Jasper got Alice Jasper took Alice to the room. Edward- Bella calm down! Bella- we had been dating for a while and you are telling me to calm down! Bella hit Edward and Edward- I am sorry. Edward hit Bella they are fighting.

Bella- are you serious you just hit me! Edward- I had to Alice is my family! Bella- Jacob and the pack are my family! Emmett - Edward Bella needs to leave now! Edward- okay let's go Bella Rosalie- you are not going anywhere with the dog girl.

Bella- he is not a dog! Edward got Bella Emmett got Rosalie Emmett took Rosalie to the room. Edward- Bella please stop. Bella- they start it first. Jacob- Sam we need to go the Cullens house. Sam- what happened? Jacob told him everything. Sam- Bella never hang up on you like that before. Jacob- something is wrong? Sam- let's go they turn to wolves they are running.


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