Chapter 6

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Warning: This is a  v e r y  dramatic chapter. And also things happen V E R Y quickly in this chapter, so it's kind of bad. .-.

Donna smiled while she looked at the two people in front of her. They deserved this. Their family deserved this. Did they really? She thought. She quickly waved away that thought. Of course they did. They needed to pay for what they did. To the village. To her....

"Ma'am we found someone else." a guard told her, smacking her out of her thoughts. She smiled grimly. "Bring him or her here." Now the man was struggling. Marie just seemed to accept her fate, looking at the floor, not daring to look the man in the eyes.

Donna felt like she should simile. Take pride in such victory. But all she felt was gulit. The question returned. Did they deserve it? She pushed the thought away again. They deserved it. It was their fault. She pushed the thoughts of doubt to the bottom of her heart.


He threw another smoke bomb hoping to weave through the confused crowd. But as he tried to run, a hand grabbed his arm. He pulled, blindly hoping he could get out. He started to stumble back from the force. He yelped, trying even harder to escape. The strange person did not like his rebellion, pulling him forward harder.

Varian began to panic. This was how he was going to die. The weird person started to get out of the tunnel, and the first thing he noticed was his dad. He needed to get out. He needed to....

Varian grabbed a smoke bomb with his free hand, and threw one at the strange guy's face, another one at the red head girl. Then he threw another one down for good measure. He quickly found his father's and weird lady's hand and pulled them out of the house, and into the woods.


Donna waited for the knights to bring the other person here. And waited. And waited. And waited until she thought that the knight had lied. Just as she was about to give up and bring the two people to the kingdom, the knight came back with a kid. The kid looked no older than 14 and had black hair with a stripe of blue in it.

He was still clearly trying to escape, but was completely failing. Donna felt like she should be laughing with joy, gald her first mission wasn't a failure, and that she took down one of the worst criminal family. But all she felt was guilt. Guilt that the whole family had to die for one person crime. Guilt that she had to take a kid's whole life away. Guilt that-

What was she thinking? They deserved it. They deserved it. They have to deserve this. As she was about to order them to be taken back, a smoke bomb exploded in her face. Another one was thrown at the floor. She began to shout orders, shouting that they were getting away. How would Marie be able to grab a smoke bomb? The last raid showed that she had no materials left to make anymore. She then heard the back door open. "They went that way!" she shouted, pointing to the back door.

She quickly ran to the back, taking the lead ahead of everybody. She couldn't fail her first mission. She just couldn't fail her first mission.

She would find them.

If it was the last thing she would ever do.

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