Is It Enough?: Riju x depressed female!Reader

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You always had the time to help the citizens of Gerudo Town. Especially the travelers. You were Link's sister, and you had almost the same exact past as him: You were both champions, you were both placed in the Shrine of Resurrection, and you both had to save Hyrule from Ganon 100 years later.

You had to take back the 4 divine beasts, well... Link had to. You were just the sidekick, basically taking care of him and helping anyone with their quests while Link was doing the main job. You didn't care at all, you were so happy you were helping people.

But sometimes you felt as if everything wasn't ever good enough. You doubt yourself and think that you couldn't help anyone even though people praised you and they're completely fine with your work. You thought that they were just acting nice so they wouldn't hurt your feelings, or something like that. You always tried to push yourself harder.

Even though everyone was stressed about Calamity Ganon's attack on Hyrule, you felt as though you needed to be the positive one in the situation. Bearing everyone's burden was probably the most stressful of all. You wanted to make sure everyone was satisfied with the errands you do for them. Every village and town you have been to have rewarded you for your awesome work and say that you are a hero, but you didn't think that.

This time you were in Hyrules hot desert, Gerudo. You had one more divine beast to calm, and that was Vah Naboris, piloted by Gerudo legend, Chief Urbosa. You had always wanted to meet a chief of Gerudo, because even though the environment was sandy and heated, you had always yearned to visit the town of girls.

"Don't you think this is going to be fun, Y/N?" Your brother asked you. You snapped out of thought.

"Of course Link, you know I have always wanted to visit Gerudo Town. But how are YOU going to get in, that's my question." You wondered to him, which made him blush. You stopped walking and laughed at him.

"You-you might even w-wear g-g-girl clothes!" You pointed out in between laughs. Link glared at you intimidatingly. You immediately shut your mouth, and now it was his turn to laugh.

"Oh stop it. Hey look, we're at the town." You pointed to a large rocky structure basically covered in beautiful woven cloths for decoration. Beside that was a shrine with a man that looked like he was fixing on sneaking in.

Link went over and talk to the boy before coming back and telling you to go in while he went back to the bazaar to talk to someone. You trusted your brother, so you just walked in with a nod from the guards.

Inside, you found lots of beautiful gerudo women with traditional gerudo clothing. Stands for shops were set up all over, in lines off to the side. The place smelled of fruit, which was a scent you somewhat enjoyed. You walked through the town until you were met with some stairs that led up to a large room. It was probably where the gerudo chief was, so you decided to wander off and let Link come in before you traveled up there.

In a half an hour span, Link came wearing a teal two-piece outfit with golden jewelry scattered along his wrists. The top covered his muscular arms while a gorgeous mask was wrapped around his face, only revealing Link's eyes and forehead. You stared in awe, but then when you realized Link blushing you immediately laughed at him.

"Girl clothes, huh?" You snickered while Link whacked your head. You both decided to stay in the inn tonight before you headed to the chief in the morning. Well, mainly Link, but you were there to ask the chief if there was anything you could do to help out in the village. When you went in the inn, you paid for Link and you, but then you asked if the lady at the counter needed assistance, that which she said no and told you to rest for the night, and in the morning you couldn't wait to seek out people that needed help.

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