A league meeting

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April 17th 2015 Mount Justice

"Alright good job for today, get some sleep we have a big day tommrow." Dick told the team. They all got up and started walking over to diffrent places. M'gann was makeing some cookies and Wally was trying to eat them. Conner was in the corner playing with wolf and sphere. Most of the new requites were in the living room waching some t.v. ,Artmis was in the training room practising. Dick was getting his notes and about to report to Batman. Then all of suden Batmans's vioce came from the intercome "Everyone to the briefing room". Everyone stopped what they were doing and headed over there. "Good you all here. The green laterns have found out that there is a big space ship with about 200 Aliens on bourd. We do not know what they want because they will not respond, the league is still questioning what we should do, but just incase this is a threat when they get to earth we need all hand on deck, that means this will be a league and young league will be working tougher." Batman stated.

"Whoo! " Wally shouted. Everyone else started talking about how cool it will be to work with the league and there mentors. "You will take the bioship there now. Everyone understand?' Batman asked. "Yes, will be right there Batman." Dick told his mentor. "Alright, Batman out." and with that the screen became dark again. "Miss Martian get the bioship ready we leave at once" Dick told M'gann. After that they all got inside and headed for the watch tower.

April 17th 2015 Watch tower

The team made its way and was greeted by Rocket and Zatanna. "Hey y'all welcome to the wach tower" Rocket told everyone. Zatanna sneaked a smile to Dick wich then he smiled back at her. "Come the whole league is ready for you" Zatanna told them all. They followed the girls to a big screen with a dot in the middle and the whole league sorounding it. Batman was first to talk "Good your all here, this (he pionted to the dot) is the ship, we have exaclly 48 hours till it arives on earth in Gothem Harbour, what where here to do is figure out if they are an enemy or friend, if it is a enemy we must be able to protect earth at all costs" Batman stated to the team. "How do you know we only have 48 hours?" Blue beetel asked. "We tracked there movment so it will be 48 hours unless something causes it to take longer or it decided to leave.' Flash awnserd. Batman than said" But what we need to do first is to find out what these Aliens are doing here, we have a message that they gave 7 hours ago but can't make up what it says." He clicked a few buttons and then a clip played "bcneuoevnufe uefhnfdiuvnudv njce veh eunv eu fe efu efhvbeh vuhefuhfb vrherh ure ufb eh eheu o ue ur u vnbreuvberuvb efu f  euh oeurvbru bvf f h f ehu rv ureovuhbv ureb hrure hurrth vb hh eruobveruo bveru vero uer uoerou v" (Greetings humans, we come in peace,we are looking for one of our own who is in your planet, she goe by the name Lydia Simon. She is whated for murdering her family and five other people. In 48 hours we shall come and find her with or without our permisstion. Lydia has brown hair and blue eyes and lives in a mansion. See you soon humans.)

All of sudden aftr the clip finished Zatanna jumped up and asked "Can you play that clip again plaese?" Batman played the clip once again. "Omg..." Zatanna said in a whisper vioce that was bearly audioable. She than sarted to explain, "My great-grandfather travled to diffrent worlds hopeing to find more of our people. One of these planets there was a race called the Milliala. They a very peacefull race, but when one of there own kills or goes to anougher planet they will stop at nothing to find them. During the time there my Great- grandfather learned the language and wrote it down in a book wich was passed down my family. Ever since I was a young girl my father would teach me till i was fluent, wich I still am." Zatanna explained. She whent to the screen and pressed a few bottens.

"This should translate it into englsh." she said before playing it again but it was in english. After it played everyone was in shock but than Zatanna finally spoke "I say we find this Lydia Simon before they do so they won't come here.".Zatanna told everyone " I agree we'll splt up and search ervery last mansion till we find this Alien." Batman told everyone. He pressed some bottons and the girl came up on the screen "This is the girl were looking for, you have your assiments now go". Everyone got in groups and started to leave to look for the Alien. The young justcie team with Rocket then came up to Zatanna.

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