Telling Batman...

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June 24th 2015 Zatara Mansion

Today was the day, they were going to tell Batman. Dick and Zatanna were scared...acually they were TERIFIED! It was harder than faceing the Joker head on. The decided to tell him at the Wayne Mansion. What chould go wrong?

Zatanna was getting ready, for the day ahead. She still had a few hours before going to the Mansion so she decided to go on a walk before she had to leave.  After she came back she put on a white tank-top that was cropped and shorts with a zig-zag intrucite pattern and jean jacket, some vans and a pair of heart shapped glasse's she had on hand. She whent to the bathroom and curled her hair and brushed her teeth, stuff like that. She then locked the house and left.

June 24th 2015 Wayne Mansion

Dick was waiting near the door for Zatanna. He was paceing back and fourth, sweat dripping from his forehead. After waiting for a litte bit he finally heard the door bell ring, before Alfread chould get there Dick opened the door to Zatanna standing there. "You look amazing." he told her "Thank you, now let's get this over with." "Yah."

They went into Bruces office where he was doing some papperwork and bussinuss stuff like that. Dick knocked on the door "Hey Bruce can we come in?" "Shure.". Zatanna and Dick entered holding hands "What do you two need?" he asked, they both took a deep breath and said "Where tougher!" he stared at the couple for a bit before relaxing into his chair and saying "I know." they both in disbelife said "WHAT?!" Bruce smiled at the couple and explained "While Alfread was cleaning he found a peace of papper and gave it to me." he handed the couple the paper, this is what it said:

10 Reasons to ship Chalant (Zatanna X Dick)

1. Both have Black hair and Blue eyes.
2. They dated but then broke up, and who dosen't love a good comeing back, love story?
3. Both sometimes feel neglected. (We read both of the diarys)
4. They way they look at each other.
5. There both superheros and famouse people and everyone ships stuff like that.
6. Dick vists her on her balcony, wich is super romantic.
7. They look super cute tougher.
8. Both have intresting pasts.
9. Both lost there parents.
10. Everyone can see that they really love each other.

They both read the letter in head, Zatanna after finishing reading it started to laugh "You have a Diary, hahaha." Dick then started to laugh with her. After they finished laughing at the letter Dick asked "Who even wrote this?" Bruce then responed "I have no clue." After Zatanna and Dick left Bruce's office and hanged out a little bit in the Mansion. Around 5:34 Zatanna said goodbye and left.

June 24th 2015 Zatata Mansion

Zatanna made her way home and then started to call Artimis, telling her about the events that she had just acured. After a long conversation with her friend, Zatanna threw on a black shirt that ended mid-thigh and black shorts. She whent to the kitchen and started makeing some soup. She ate it and paractised her magic till a fimilier man knocked on her window.

Se got out to see Nghtwing standing there on her pourch. They talked, kissed just stuff like that. They loved momments like this one.

Authors Note:

Thank you so much for reading! This one was small but as I promised next chapter will be longer and getting more into the plot so stay tuned for that. Thank you all for the views it means so much for me that people are reading my story. I also wanna make an update on my uploading schedule. I will be posting a chapter every week. This has changed because i'm makeing anougher book. Usally Authors update there stories with capters as they go along, but with the new one im makeing  going to have all the chapters when I publish the book, so it will be comnplete. I won't go in to what it's about what I can say is that it's not Chalant. That's all I whated to say, thank you for reading again and have an amazing day!

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