Flashbacks and a Wedding

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June 14th 2015 Unkown

"Captin, they video ready to be uploaded when you say so." A Man said as he walked into a big office. The Captin was sitting at his chair playing wath a red plastic ball. He stode up and said "Change of plans. I whan't Zatanna to trust Zane more, so in order for that to be acompished were gonna give them a few more weeks."

"Alright Captin." And with that the Man left. "Hope your doing well Zatanna." the man said to his prized photo.

June 24th 2015 Mount Justice

Thre where no misstions at the momment so everyone was just reaxing. Dick was texting Zatanna bought Green Arrow and Black Canary's wedding and what coler tie he should wear. Gar, Tim, Barbra and Cassie were playing Mortal Combat on the X-Box. M'gann was in the kitchen cooking the wedding cake with the help of Conner (They acually got it done and made a pretty good cake). Kaldur and La'gann were practising some water tricks. Bart had just finished a very important prject for school and was asleep, his head on Jamie's shoulder and cuddling close to him. Jamie was texting some friends from school and glanceing at Bart.

Dick looked up from his phone, to the couple. He then remeberd how they got tougher. It was quite funny acually...


It was May 26th 2015 and everyone was chilling. Unaware to the rest of the team Bart and Jamie were dateing. It had been after a misstion were bart had gotten very injured. Jamie whould not leave his side, and when Bart woke up Jamie kissed him and told him his feelings. They had been dateing evry since, and had not have any plans to reavel there relashonship yet. Though Bart had Told Iris, Barry and Wally. Wally had told Arty and Arty told Zatanna one time when they where hanging out.

But the Team did not know. Cassie was talking to Tim about getting a pet cat. Dick, M'gann, Conner and Kaldur were talking about they prcouse misstion they had been on. La'gann was in Alantis visting some of his freinds and Barbra was on a trip with some friends from her school. All of sudden Gar came out vidbly annoyed. M'gann saw her bother and asked "Is everything ok Gar?" and to tha everyone then stared at the green boy. "Has anyone seen Jamie or Bart? I've been looking for them for the pasr 2 hours! I even checked the Zata Tube logs and it saysthey never left!" Gar awnserd very annoyed at this piont with his 2 freinds.

"Now that you mention it, I have't seen them since this mornig." Cassie awnserd thinking about when she hadlast seen those 2. "Are you shure you have checked everwere my friend?" Kaldur asked the boy. "I'm shure of it!' Dick thought for a second and the idea hit him "How about we check the security footage to see where they when't?" everyone agred and shure enough they all gathered before they T.V screen and Dick rewinded the footage from that morning.

Bart and Jamie were walking into the room, no one else was there so it was just the 2 of them. They were talking about something when they had came in "No way ese!" Jamie said laging to his freind "Yes way!" they both then laughed again. Dick was about to skip but Kaldur told him to wait. The two boys then sat on the couch. They kept talking till all suden Jamie told "No one's here we can drop the act."  Bart let out a sigh, and then Jamie pulled him up for a kiss. The whold Team was in schock "Oh" Cassie said "My" Tim said "God." everyone else said.

There eye's were glued to the screen before them, there mouths wide open in shock. All of usdden a sound of something breaking came from behind them. It startled evryone, and they looked back to see what had happen. Bart and Jamie were standing there looking horrified to what they have found, a boken cup with coffe spilling out was also there beside Bart. "Where wer you!" Gar said jumping right up from his seat on the chouch. "We were in the infemery." Bart said confused to why Gar had asked.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2020 ⏰

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